Social Studies

Haylee and her family are on a summer road trip. They are driving 1,554 miles. They want to split the trip into 6 days of driving. How many miles are they going to drive each day?

Haylee and her family will drive 259 miles each day.


What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? My younger sister was a tornado
after she ate chocolate.

A metaphor


Which tool should a student use to separate a mixture of iron filings from soil?

A magnet


He was the leader of the Continental Army.

George Washington


Name a bird that cant fly.

Penguin, Ostrich, Emu


Tacari builds a rectangular sandcastle with a length of 41.5 inches and a width of 32.3 inches. What is the perimeter of his sandcastle?

The perimeter of Tacari's sandcastle is 147.6 inches.


What are the three types of author's purpose? Author's write to ___________, ___________, and _____________.

Author's write to persuade, inform, and entertain.


What are the three main causes of changes on the earth's surface and what does each do? (hint: Each one can involve wind, water, and ice)

Weathering (breaks it), erosion (moves it), deposition (drops it).


Name at least two of the Acts (taxes) that King George imposed on the colonists.

The Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, The Intolerable Acts, etc


What is Mrs. Newhouse's favorite color?

Olive Green


Charity and her family are going on vacation to visit family over the summer. Their flight will last 6.94 hours. Charity says, “If we round this number, it is a seven-hour flight.” Her sister says, “I think you’re wrong. If we round it, it is a 6.9-hour flight.” Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

Both are correct. Charity rounded to the ones place, and her sister rounded to the tenths place.


What is the difference between character traits and character emotions?

Character traits describe a character's personality. In other words, they are traits that they exhibit consistently. Character emotions are fleeting feelings that do not last or always describe that person.


What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? Give an example of each.

Renewable resources can regenerate if they are alive or can be replenished by biochemical cycles if they are nonliving. (Ex: Plants, sunlight, animals) 

Nonrenewable resources CANNOT be regenerated or replenished by natural processes.There is a finite amount of nonrenewable resources - once used up, they are forever gone. (Ex: fossil fuels, minerals)


He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson


What has more? Dimples on a golf ball, Stitches on a baseball, laces on a football, or squares on a soccer ball?

Dimples on a golf ball


Now that summer is here, Kevon wants to practice basketball every day so that he can make the team when school starts. He decides to practice 21 days a month for 135 minutes every day. How many minutes will he practice every month?

Kevon will practice basketball for 2,835 minutes every month.


Read the passage below and decide from which genre it is written.

Alomar is a humble shepherd in a land
controlled by an evil wizard. The wizard
keeps the sun from rising. It is always either
twilight or night. Alomar is visited by a
lightning bird, a beautiful glowing bird.
Alomar had heard of these creatures before,
but he had thought that they were made
up. The lightning bird asks for Alomar's aid.
The bird says that it has the power to defeat
the wizard, but it needs Alomar's help to
sneak into the Black Castle. The bird explains
that it will be very dangerous, but together,
they can bring light back to the world.



Draw a diagram of the water cycle and explain each step.

Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation, Precipitation, Accumulation


This war (BEFORE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION) was very expensive, and King George decided the Americans should pay for it with taxes.

The French and Indian War


Solve this riddle: Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, and Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the white house?

The President


Marquis is bringing pails of water from the ocean to his sandcastle. Each pail holds ¾ of a liter of water. If he brings 8 ½ pails of water, how many liters does he bring altogether?

Marquis brought 6 3/8 liters of water altogether.


What are the seven keys to comprehension and what does each one mean?

Questioning: Asking questions as you read

Inferences: Using schema and text evidence to make a conclusion about something the author does not tell us. 

Predictions: Use schema and text evidence to predict what will happen next. 

Visualization: Using text clues to create a picture in your mind of what is happening in the story. 

Synthesis: To put the pieces together to think about someone or something in a new way. 

Connections: Connecting to your own experiences, to other stories, or to events/happenings in the world to understand a story better. 

Summarizing: Determining which pieces of the text are most important to summarize what happened.


What are three functions that the human skeleton provides for the body?

A skeleton provides structure for the body, connects to muscles for movement, and protects our internal organs.

The final battle of the War in which England surrenders in 1781.

The Battle of Yorktown


Name at least 3 catch phrases that we have been using all year.

We are not respectful some of the time, we are respectful all the time!

Try your best and forget the rest!

Attitude is everything!

You are in charge of your own learning and behavior. 

It's not learning if it's not hard.

Failure is part of learning. 

Being kind is the key to success.