Mood and Tone
Plot/Text Structure

What is a subject pronoun vs an object pronoun?

What is Subject pronoun is the thing doing the action whereas the object pronoun is being acted upon by the subject pronoun


What is the difference between theme and main idea?

What is Theme is the message or lesson of a story whereas main idea is what the story is mainly about-it is more specific to the story itself. 


True or false: An Inference is a prediction

What is false


Which term means what the reader feels when reading?

A. Mood

B. Tone

What is A or mood


The beginning of a story where the setting and main characters are revealed is called the...

What is the exposition 


What is the object pronoun in this sentence? 

He yelled at her. 

What is Her


What is a common example of theme?

What is Love, teamwork, friendship, hard work pays off, believe in yourself, etc


What two things is an inference based on?

What is background knowledge and textual evidence

What is a common tone word?

What is sarcasm, positive, negative, angry, excited, etc.


What text structure is being used below?

First, I got out the bread, peanut butter, jelly, and knife. Then I spread the peanut butter on one side. Next, I spread the jelly on the other slice of bread. Lastly, I put both pieces of bread together to make a sandwich.

What is sequence


What is a word's connotation?

A. The suggested meaning of a word

B. The dictionary definition of a word

What is A


What is a theme from "Walk Two Moons?"

What is Change, guilt and blame, self-identity, hope, don't judge someone until you've walked in their shoes


What time period can you infer this story takes place?

We traveled in the wagon, pulled by our two trusty horses, for three days and two nights. By the time we made it to the doctor, my sister was five times more sick than she was before we started our journey.

What is 1800s-1900s


What is a common mood word?

What is sad, mad, happy, relaxed, amused, etc


What point of plot is the below passage apart of?

I couldn't believe we didn't end up together, but it was for the best. After figuring out we both wanted different things in life, it was time to go our separate ways. 

What is resolution


What is an allusion?

What is a reference to something of historical importance


What is the main idea of "Walk Two Moons?"

What is Sal goes on a trip with her grandparents to get to her mother's grave by her birthday


What can you infer the family is doing?

Easter is my favorite time of year because of the activities we do as a family. My favorite is the one we are doing now because of the competitive aspect. 

What is egg hunt


What is the mood of the following passage?

Molly was delighted as soon as she saw her new puppy. She raced toward the puppy, squealing with glee. As soon as she reached the puppy, she picked it up with excitement and spun around. The puppy kissed her face with happiness and love. 

What is cheerful, happiness, excitement

What is the climax of "The Giver?"

What is when Jonas sees his father kill a baby and he finds out what release is


What is an oxymoron?

What is two words placed next to each other that are of opposite meanings 


What piece of evidence best supports the theme "don't judge a book by its cover?"

A. I didn't want to be his friend because he had the tendency to be rude to me

B. I didn't want to be his friend, because I didn't like the clothes he wore

C. I didn't want to be his friend, because my sister said he was rude to her

What is B

What can you infer the girl is feeling?

She spent 30 minutes exactly at the party. She kept looking at her watch, and at 7:30PM on the dot, she left. 

What is anxious


What is the tone of the following passage?

President Obama will be remembered for his kind and caring choice to provide healthcare to all Americans

What is appreciative, positive, approving


How does the climax of "The Giver" contribute to its resolution? Meaning, what happens in the climax that pushes the story to its end?

What is Jonas realizes his community isn't good and he decides to leave, which results in him finding Elsewhere.