Acronyms for NJ educational terms
New Jersey Mandates
Teacher Evaluations
Domain Trivia
Student Growth Objective?
What is SGO?
This state-wide system is designed to recognize those who excel, identify those who need additional support, and provide meaningful feedback and professional development to all teachers. The system was created by New Jersey educators for New Jersey educators.
What is NJ Achieve/ Achieve NJ?
Under the new evaluation system, a teacher is considered proficient as long as he /she scores at or above this number on his/her cumulative end of year score.
What is 2.65?
The D4 domain represents this part of the teacher evaluation.
What is Professional Responsibilities?
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
What is HIB?
Standards that provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
What is Common Core?
This Framework is a research-based set of components of instruction. The complex activity of teaching is divided into 22 components (and 76 smaller elements) clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility.
What is the Danielson's Framework for Teaching?
This domain addresses classroom management and managing student behavior.
What is Domain 2?
District Evaluation Advisory Committee
What is DEAC?
This is is a long-term academic goal that teachers set for groups of students and must be specific and measurable, aligned to standards, a measure of what a student has learned between two points in time, and ambitious and achievable.
What is an SGO?
For a minimum of one evaluation per year, these must be completed in advance of the observation.
What are pre-observation questions/ pre-observation conference?
This domain represents a teacher's planning.
What is Domain 1?
Quality Single Accountability Continuum
What is QSAC?
State mandated act implemented in September of 2011 outlining a definition of inappropriate student to student and teacher to student interactions. (and the source of many hours of online training)
What is HIB?
The name given to the items to be submitted for scoring of Domain 1 and Domain 4.
What are artifacts or evidence?
The D3 domain represents this part of the teacher evaluation.
What is "Instruction?"
School Improvement Panel
What is ScIP?
This measure is applied to math and ELA teachers's evaluations in tested subject areas.
What is an SGP? (student growth percentile)
For final end of year calculations, this percentage counts for teacher practice and this counts for SGO score.
What is 85% for teacher practice and 15% for SGO?
"Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness" is a component in this domain.
What is D3?