What Does the Fox Say?
Mark It!
Where Can It be?
Let's Celebrate!

I like it hot, so I live in the Negev desert and I am a ridiculously cute, but deadly predator. My ears are so big I can hear my prey under the ground. 

What is a Fennec Fox?


When Ben Grimm (the Thing) and Alicia got married, they stood under a special kind of tent that represents the home they would make together. These are always open on all four sides like Abraham and Sarah's tent in the desert.

What is a chuppah?


I know people come here to see the Kotel and put notes to God in the cracks between the rocks, but the other cats and I hope you'll notice us, too! We'd sure like a snack and some pets. 

What is Jerusalem?


On this holiday we celebrate the victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks and taking back our Temple in Jerusalem!

What is Chanukah?


Count to ten in Hebrew!

אֶחָד, שְׁתַיִם, שָׁלושׁ, אַרְבַּע, חָמֵשׁ, שֵׁשׁ, שֶׁבְעַ, שְׁמוֹנֶה, תֵשַׁע, עֶשֶׂר

אֶחָד, שְׁתַיִם, שָׁלושׁ, אַרְבַּע, חָמֵשׁ, שֵׁשׁ, שֶׁבְעַ, שְׁמוֹנֶה, תֵשַׁע, עֶשֶׂר

Great Job


Cool and wet is what I like. I hang out in rivers up north in the Galilee. The poison behind my eyes probably won't hurt you, but the oils on your hands could hurt me, so please: Don't Touch!

What is a Fire Salamander?


We wrote a story about a special kind of pool that we can go into and dunk under the water three times when special or hard changes are happening in our lives. In our story, a puppy was being adopted. 

What is a mikveh?


After we crossed the Red Sea we headed out into the wilderness and toward this mountain.

What is Mount Sinai?


On my day you get to celebrate ILANOT. Those are also called עצים! Read me in Hebrew: טוּ בִּשְׁבָט

What is Tu BiShvat?


To remember the Shoah we read about what Jewish life was like before the Holocaust and about how much life changed because so many Jewish people were murdered. This is what we call Holocaust Remembrance Day in Hebrew. 

What is Yom HaShoah?


I am Israel's National Bird! I am orange and white and black. In Hebrew I'm called a דּוּכִיפַת - what am I?

What is a Hoopoe Bird!


Mitzvah means commandment, and when kids turn 13 they get to lead the community in prayer and learning, do a project that helps make the world a better place, and celebrate. 

What is a b'nei mitzvah (or bar/bat mitzvah)?


There are TEN owl species that live in and migrate through Israel because Israel at the junction of three continents. 

What are Europe, Asia, and Africa?


She hid her Jewish identity for a long time and then she strategized, outsmarted the king and his wicked advisor, and saved our people.   

Who is Esther?


DeMarcos Vital joined our class to teach us about the Torah and how to write the special letters in it. A person who writes a Torah is called this.

What is a sofer?


Part of my name is "Great Horned." I keep it pretty close to the ground and like to bury myself partway in the sand with just my horns sticking up. 

What is the Great Horned Viper?


These folks are responsible for teaching their grandkids and all kids about Judaism and Jewish life, for making being Jewish fun, and for sharing their memories and stories. 

Who are Jewish elders?


I'm a Hoopoe Bird and when I am out flying I can see the people hiking along Israel's National Trail. It starts in the very northern-most tip at the top of Israel and ends  . . . here. 

What is the southern tip of Israel/What is Eilat?


Moses's mom Yocheved and his older sister Miriam hid him in a basket and watched over him until this woman came down to the Nile and rescued him. 

Who is Batya?


Everyone received a special bag with gifts in it because Rabbi Ariel did one of the mitzvot of Purim. Our class also did the other mitzvot: We gave a gift of money to people in need, we heard the story of Esther, and we had a costume party. The bags we got are called this. 

What is mishloach manot?


I am a צְפַרְדֵעַ. There are SO MANY different kinds of me, and I like to live all over Israel. Back in Egypt, I even got to be part of one of the plagues!

What is a frog?


These folks are responsible for learning how to be a good friend and what a healthy friendship is and isn't. They bring a lot of the fun to holidays, practice prayers, and need to start doing some tikun olam because it's TOO LATE to wait until you are a grown up!

Who are Jewish kids?


Golden Jackals (kind of like coyotes) came to hang out in this city during the beginning of the pandemic when there weren't any people around. 

What is Tel Aviv?


Ice Cream. Cheesecake. Staying Up Late. Reading and Telling Great Stories. Learning to blow the shofar. Receiving the Torah. 

What is Shavuot?


Each of our Supers has special powers and knows how to do particular things, but at the end of the day there is really only one way to handle all of the Big Hard Things in the world: בְּיַחַד!

What is together?