Current PCG Payout
What is $5,000?
TI #7417
What is LMBRU: Loan Must Be Re-Underwritten?
What is FIFX?
REFI Cycle Time
What is <45 Days?
OKR with the most item submissions
Month with highest PGC payout
What is July?
Loan not approved, can be declined or counteroffer
What is Status 33?
Systems that houses documents from MPX and ENC
What is EIV and eFolder?
New Process closely watched through LQRs
What is CIP?
Pan we used to bake cake for EAP?
What is a Springform Pan?
Highest Month of CCS Capture for RPP
What is May ($53.3M)?
CCS To Complete CIP Review tracking
What is TI# 7662?
N2K that goes out the most
What is HLCC Access Reminder?
Eligibility based on a total number of reviews completed by ________ Communications Team
What is Manila?
Total Items Processed/Completed?
What is 333?
Five months had the same number of PGC payouts. What was that number?
What is two?
Used once the loan passes Pre-op Review and is moved into Underwriting
What is the Fulfillment Communications Support?
Three Measurements of CCS Quality
What is Call Monitoring, Email Monitoring and Processor Cert?
What is Hocus Pocus Witchy/ Warlock Brew?
Site with the Highest RPP Goal
What is Phoenix?
Total of all Loan Statuses
What is 24 Loan Statuses?
Total N2K's for the year
What is 113?
5 Categories of Quality
What is Fulfillment, Underwriting, CCS, Support and Closing?
What Is October?