The Structure of Revelation
The Church Age and the Seven Letters
The Great Apostasy
Understanding Age and Last Days
Age Of the Gentiles

This Verse in Revelation Jesus gives the structure for the book to John.

What is Rev 1:19


to make a clear connection to ALL CHURCH and too numerical represent 100% Jesus Chose to send this many churches letters 

What is Seven?


The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.

What is Apostasy?


A long but Finite time in Gods program for creation

What is an "Age"?


The age of the gentiles began with this ruler who was the first to accomplish all three thing mention in Luke 21:24.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?


Which Chapter(s) are Understood to represent " the things John saw"

What Is Chapter 1


When we compare the order of the letters in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3 with their geographic locations, we find a suggestion of chronology represented by this shape and rotation. 

What is a clockwise pattern?


Detailed in the letter to the Laodiceans and described by Paul in 2 Thessalonians and 1 Timothy before the end comes. This must happen first

What is A falling away (apostasy)?


The time at the end of a present age and signal that the age to come is approaching.

What is "last Days"?


What name did Jesus give for our current age of history?

Age of the gentiles


Which Chapter(s) are Understood to represent " the things that are"

What is Chapters 2 & 3


Literal, Universal and Prophetic.

What are the three ways to interpret Scripture?


All those who in some fashion profess to be a part of the church globally.

What is the visible Church?


Hebrews 1:1-2 helps us understand the the present age extends before the church and the last day also included the lifecycle of  this.

What is The Church


Each Part Of the statue in this, tell us the World power that has its thumb over Isreal.  1. Head (gold) = Babylon 2. Chest and arms (silver) = Medo-Persian Empire 3. Stomach and thighs (bronze) = Greek Empire (Alexander the Great) 4. Legs (iron) and feet (iron and clay) = Roman Empire (and Imperialistic Democratic Alliances)

King Nezzys Dream


Which Chapter(s) are Understood to represent " the things Which shall be  hereafter"

What is Chapters 4-22?


With each church representing I period of time in the history of the church or the things that are, this church Stands out as the current position of the church based on the best information provided.

What is the church of Laodicea?


Those who by faith know christ as Lord and King and live a life pleasing unto God as his active body on earth until his return.

What is the Invisible Church


According to Luke 21:24 Jesus identify three things that must accrue to begin this which are Isreal is defeated by gentile powers, Isreal is dispersed into all the nations and Jerusalem is trampled by the gentiles.

What is the Age of the Gentiles?


According to Dan 2:44 God will set this up to break into pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it will stand forever

What is A Kingdom


According to Rev Chapter 2, 7 early churches received these from John as a literal message for there congregations but are now understood to have a more prophetic message as well about the church a whole.

What are the Letters to the Seven Church


To highlight the condition of there spiritual state a reference to the Laodicean river valley was mentioned where this comes from sulfuric steams and this from mountain streams.

What is Hot water and Cold Water?


wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked

What is the condition of the Church?


Until the age of the gentiles are fulfilled this is what "clocks" our present age. 

What is Israel? 


The stone uncut by human hand in Dan: 2:34 that's hits the statue.

Who is Jesus