how fast do tigers run
30 - 40 mph
what giant pandas eat
99% bamboo
How many eggs do they lay?
65 to 180 eggs
What do snow leopards drink?
How many koalas are left?
between 100,000 and 500,000
how far can tigers jump
up to 10 meters (32.5 ft)
how long do pandas live
15-20 years
How big do sea turtles get?
3 feet long and 300-350 lbs
how long do they live
10 to 12 years.
how many red pandas are left
2500 to 10,000
is the tiger the strongest big cat
do pandas hibernate
No, pandas don't hibernate
How long do sea turtles live?
50-100 years
Has a snow leopard ever attacked a human?
there has never been a verified snow leopard attack on a person
how many black Rhino's are left
can a tiger purr
tiger can not purr
How do giant pandas behave?
solitary and peaceful
What animals eat sea turtles?
large sharks
what is a snow lepers Nick name
“ghost of the mountains.”
how many lions are left
23,000 to 39,000
do pink tigers exist
pink tigers do not exist
why are pandas black and white
No-one really knows
how many eggs do they lay?
up to 250 eggs per year
why are snow leopards endangered
Poaching, habitat loss, declines in natural prey species, and retaliatory killings resulting from human-wildlife conflict
How many giraffes are left in the world?
about 117,000