US Natives
Australian Wildlife
African Wildlife

This symbolic bird of prey was on the brink of extinction due to the use of pesticides that would weaken their egg shells and disrupt hormones.

What is the bald eagle?


This endangered invertebrate provides home to countless species of fish and has names such as fire and brain

What is Coral?


This is an iconic herbivorous marsupial that calls the eucalyptus forests of southeastern and eastern Australia its home. They rely on the eucalyptus tree for both habitat and food. The Australian population was recently threatened by devastating bushfires during the 2019-2020 season. Although they are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN, populations in Queensland, New South Wales, and the Australian Capital Territory have now been classified as endangered by the EPBC (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation) Act.

What is the koala?


They are the world’s tallest mammals. They are uniquely adapted to reach vegetation inaccessible to other herbivores.


A succulent plant typically used to treat skin conditions and burns.

What is aloe!


This cute but voracious marine mammal is native to the West Coast and is an important keystone species.

What is the sea otter?


This small, critically endangered, marine mammal is estimated to have only have around 10 to 15 members left

What is the Vaquita?


This is one of the most beautiful small birds in the world. It is native to Australia. Its impressive feather colors, unfortunately, led to many being trapped for bird trade up until the early 1980s. The current causes of their decline are habitat changes due to land clearing and fires. Fire plays a big part of their survival by impacting seed availability. Improved burning practices are helping them make a comeback. 

What is the Gouldian Finch?


It is the second-largest living big cat after the tiger, hunted by humans, and are a vulnerable species after having declined 43% in population


This animal is Africa's largest canid, and the world's third largest. They have large, round ears, a mottled coat, and live in packs.

What is the African Painted Dog?


These insects commonly seen in the summer are facing numerous threats to their survival, including light pollution, pesticide use, habitat loss, and decreased availability of prey.

What is the firefly/lightning bug?


This gigantic species of coral reef fish is found in the Indo-Pacific Region and is known for the large bump on its forehead

What is the Humphead Wrasse/Napoleonfish?


This omnivorous marsupial represents an example of an animal that depends on cooler habitats, making it increasingly vulnerable to climate change. They are only found in alpine and sub-alpine regions of southern Victoria and Mt. Kosciuszko in New South Wales. Their habitat needs limit their distribution, which results in genetic loss within their population. They are listed critically endangered by the IUCN. 

What is the Mountain Pygmy-possum?


The world's largest terrestrial mammals, herbivores, and main predators are humans and sometimes lions and hyenas. 



prob ate Amelia Earhart 

coconut crabs


This frog is known as the symbol of Puerto Rico, with only 17 species remaining. Their name comes from the sound they make.

What is the coqui (co-kee) frog?


This species is the largest of all sharks, and can grow up to 40 feet long!

What is the Whale Shark?


This bird is one of the largest shorebirds in the world. Their impressive bill is used to probe mud and dig up crabs and molluscs, which is their main food source. They are declining as a result of habitat destruction and human-made alterations to coastal wetlands along their migratory path. Many of these wetlands are being damaged by urban development, flood mitigation, agriculture, and pollution. It is classified as critically endangered by the EPBC.

What is the Eastern Curlew?


Third largest living land mammal. Despite their large and bulky appearance, they have adaptations to their semi-aquatic environments allowing them to move swiftly on both water and land.



This is a species of bird native to New Zealand. It is nocturnal, flightless, lives on the ground, and green. There are only about 250 left in the wild.

What is the kākāpō?


The only member of his kind is frequently spotted around New England, especially along the Southern CT Coasts and around West Haven, despite originally being from Europe.

Who is Dr. Simjouw?


This species of undersea plant provides nurseries for fish and food for the West Indian Manatee and Green Sea Turtle

What is Johnson's Seagrass?


This is a small to medium sized marsupial that is a symbol of Western Australia. Their diet mainly consists of termites, so they need to be active during the day. But due to their size, they are hunted by many animals including feral cats, foxes, dingoes, and birds of prey. There are less than 1000 mature individuals left in the wild. 

What is the Numbat?


The brightly colored small parrot, females, and males are identical in appearance and do not exhibit sexual dimorphism. They have a green back, chest, and wings. The bird’s neck is golden yellow to orange color, which deepens into a deeper orange-red on its face.

Fischer's Lovebirds <3


This dull sea-living reptile is the light of my life, despite being named after a dark part of the day. It is native to Australia's coral reefs.

What is the Dusky Sea Snake?