This person makes sure to hit the hot tub to decompress.
This was issued to our instructor in order to have us move to a different room.
Eviction notice
What's the nickname we gave one of our drivers because of the music played?
What is worst free meal we get according to the class?
Pizza Tuesday
Who is the only passenger in Amelia?
What drinks are supplied to us along side our breakfast boxes?
Apple juice , orange juice, and cranberry juice
Who are the students considered the aunts of the group?
Liz , Lisa, and Monica
This item was given to us to help with stress during class.
Stop-sign stress ball.
What do you never want to see when you are trying to relax in the pool or hot tub?
This Classmate asks the most questions about "What iff scenarios" in class
What is our new classroom number?
Where did the shuttle service refuse to take us because it was out of their range?
What color is our instructors pointer.
Is there a Drain next to the coffee pot in amelia?
No but there is a picture of one?
What is the worst item inside the breakfast boxes?