Battle School
The Mind Game
Alien Enounters
Command School

Imagine you are in your first battle simulation, and your team is up against an experienced army. You notice a flaw in their formation, but your commander orders you to follow the standard strategy. What do you do?

  • A: Follow orders and stick to the strategy.
  • B: Take a risk and exploit the flaw.

  • A: Follow orders and stick to the strategy.
    • Outcome: The enemy anticipates your moves and defeats your team. Lose 10 points.
  • B: Take a risk and exploit the flaw.
    • Outcome: Your quick thinking turns the battle in your favor. Gain 10 points.

Imagine you are playing the Mind Game, and you encounter a giant who challenges you to pick between two drinks. He tells you that one drink will let you pass, and the other will kill you. What do you do?

  • A: Choose one of the drinks and hope for the best.
  • B: Refuse to play by his rules and attack the giant.

  • A: Choose one of the drinks and hope for the best.
    • Outcome: The drink is poisoned, and you "die." Lose 10 points.
  • B: Refuse to play by his rules and attack the giant.
    • Outcome: You defeat the giant and move forward. Gain 10 points.

Imagine you are on a scouting mission when you discover a surviving Formic drone, injured and defenseless.

  • A: Capture it for study and interrogation.
  • B: Show mercy and let it go.

  • A: Capture it for study and interrogation.
    • Outcome: You gain valuable intelligence, but it may fuel distrust. Gain 10 points.
  • B: Show mercy and let it go.
    • Outcome: You build a potential bridge for peace, but command disapproves. Lose 5 points.

Imagine you are leading a training simulation when you realize the enemy is using a strategy you've never seen before.

  • A: Stick to the tactics you've been taught.
  • .B: Adapt and create a new strategy.

A: Stick to the tactics you've been taught.

  • Outcome: The enemy outmaneuvers you. Lose 10 points.

  • B: Adapt and create a new strategy.
    • Outcome: You catch them off guard and win. Gain 10 points.
  • You overhear two high-ranking officials discussing how the war is being manipulated for political gain.

    • A: Report them to your superiors.
    • B: Keep the information to yourself for now.

  • A: Report them to your superiors.
    • Outcome: The corruption is covered up, and now you're a target. Lose 10 points.
  • B: Keep the information to yourself for now.
    • Outcome: You remain safe but feel complicit. Gain 5 points.

During a practice session, a group of older students corners you and starts pushing you around. What do you do?

  • A: Fight back to defend yourself.
  • B: Stay calm and outthink them, finding a way to de-escalate the situation.

  • A: Fight back to defend yourself.
    • Outcome: You get in trouble for fighting, and the older students gang up on you later. Lose 10 points.
  • B: Stay calm and outthink them, finding a way to de-escalate the situation.
    • Outcome: You avoid unnecessary conflict and gain respect. Gain 5 points.

The game presents you with a door labeled "The End." You have no idea what lies beyond. Do you enter?

  • A: Yes, trusting that the game has a purpose.
  • B: No, and look for another way forward.

  • A: Yes, trusting that the game has a purpose.
    • Outcome: You discover a hidden level, unlocking a new challenge. Gain 10 points.
  • B: No, and look for another way forward.
    • Outcome: You become stuck in a loop with no progress. Lose 5 points.
  • You intercept a mysterious message from the Formics. It appears to be an attempt at communication, but command orders you to ignore it.

    • A: Follow orders and disregard the message.
    • B: Secretly decode the message.

  • A: Follow orders and disregard the message.
    • Outcome: The chance for peace is lost. Lose 5 moral points but maintain command’s trust.
  • B: Secretly decode the message.
    • Outcome: You uncover a peaceful intent but risk punishment. Gain 10 points but lose trust with command.

Your team is split on how to approach a critical mission. Half want an aggressive attack, while the other half prefers a cautious approach.

  • A: Take command and enforce your own decision.
  • B: Try to compromise and blend both strategies.

  • A: Take command and enforce your own decision.
    • Outcome: You maintain control, but some teammates resent you. Gain 5 points but lose teamwork.
  • B: Try to compromise and blend both strategies.
    • Outcome: Your plan is flexible, but less decisive. Lose 5 points but strengthen your team.

Your team is being used in an experiment without your knowledge, affecting your ability to think clearly.

  • A: Confront the instructors and demand answers.
  • B: Try to work around it and outsmart the system.

  • A: Confront the instructors and demand answers.
    • Outcome: You get partial answers but are seen as rebellious. Lose 5 points but gain truth.
  • B: Try to work around it and outsmart the system.
    • Outcome: You prove your adaptability but remain in the dark. Gain 10 points.

Your commander refuses to let you participate in a key battle, even though you know you could help. How do you respond?

  • A: Confront them and demand a chance.
  • B: Observe and learn from the sidelines, preparing for your next opportunity.

  • A: Confront them and demand a chance.
    • Outcome: Your defiance gets you benched for even longer. Lose 5 points.
  • B: Observe and learn from the sidelines, preparing for your next opportunity.
    • Outcome: You improve your tactical knowledge. Gain 10 points.

The Mind Game suddenly morphs into your worst nightmare—your biggest fear playing out in front of you. How do you respond?

  • A: Try to fight against it and escape.
  • B: Face the fear head-on and accept it.

  • A: Try to fight against it and escape.
    • Outcome: The fear intensifies, trapping you. Lose 10 points.
  • B: Face the fear head-on and accept it.
    • Outcome: The game recognizes your strength and lets you pass. Gain 10 points.

During a mission, you find a hidden Formic colony that was never reported to Earth. The Formics are not attacking but seem to be preparing for something.

  • A: Destroy the colony before they can strike first.
  • B: Observe them and gather intelligence before deciding.

  • A: Destroy the colony before they can strike first.
    • Outcome: You eliminate a possible threat but may have killed innocents. Gain 10 points.
  • B: Observe them and gather intelligence before deciding.
    • Outcome: You discover they were actually retreating, but your delay puts your team at risk. Lose 5 points but gain insight.

During a war simulation, you are told your forces are outmatched. You can retreat or take a risky gamble.

  • A: Retreat to minimize losses.
  • B: Go all in on a desperate maneuver.

During a war simulation, you are told your forces are outmatched. You can retreat or take a risky gamble.

  • A: Retreat to minimize losses.
    • Outcome: You survive but are seen as weak. Lose 5 points but maintain your army.
  • B: Go all in on a desperate maneuver.
    • Outcome: You win spectacularly. Gain 15 points.

You discover a teammate is secretly breaking the rules. Do you report them?

  • A: Yes, because rules are important.
  • B: Talk to them privately and try to help.

  • A: Yes, because rules are important.
    • Outcome: They get in trouble, but discipline is maintained. -5 points
  • B: Talk to them privately and try to help.
    • Outcome: They change their behavior, and trust grows. +10 points

During a zero-gravity battle, you see a teammate struggling to adjust to the environment. Do you help them?

  • A: Yes, even if it means slowing yourself down.
  • B: No, you focus on your own performance.

  • A: Yes, even if it means slowing yourself down.
    • Outcome: Your teamwork strengthens the unit, but you fall behind in training. Lose 5 points.
  • B: No, you focus on your own performance.
    • Outcome: You improve individually, but your team suffers. Lose 5 points.

The game presents you with an image of your family. They call out to you, begging you to leave Battle School and return home. What do you do?

  • A: Run toward them, believing it to be real.
  • B: Ignore it, knowing that the game is testing you.

  • A: Run toward them, believing it to be real.
    • Outcome: It was an illusion, and you lose focus. Lose 5 points.
  • B: Ignore it, knowing that the game is testing you.
    • Outcome: You prove your mental resilience. Gain 10 points.

A captured Formic shows signs of intelligence and emotion, contradicting everything you've been taught about them.

  • A: Report your findings to the higher-ups.
  • B: Try to communicate with it yourself.

A: Report your findings to the higher-ups.

  • Outcome: Your discovery is suppressed, and nothing changes. Lose 5 moral points but maintain status.

  • B: Try to communicate with it yourself.
    • Outcome: You learn something new, but now you’re seen as a sympathizer. Gain 10 moral points.

One of your closest friends is failing Command School and may be sent home. They ask for your help, even though it might set you back.

  • A: Help them, even at your own expense.
  • B: Focus on yourself and let them handle their own challenges.

  • A: Help them, even at your own expense.
    • Outcome: They improve, but you struggle in your own training. Lose 5 points but gain loyalty.
  • B: Focus on yourself and let them handle their own challenges.
    • Outcome: You succeed, but your friend resents you. Gain 5 points but lose an ally.

Someone you trust convinces you to make a questionable choice. What do you do?

  • A: Follow their advice without question.
  • B: Think critically and make your own decision.

A: Follow their advice without question.

  • Outcome: It backfires, and you regret it. -10 points

  • B: Think critically and make your own decision.
    • Outcome: You avoid a major mistake. +10 points

One of your closest friends in Battle School is falling behind and may be sent home. They ask you to help them train. What do you do?

  • A: Train with them, even though it means sacrificing your own free time.
  • B: Focus on yourself to ensure your own survival.

  • A: Train with them, even though it means sacrificing your own free time.
    • Outcome: They improve, and your friendship strengthens. Gain 10 points.
  • B: Focus on yourself to ensure your own survival.
    • Outcome: You remain one of the top students, but you lose an ally. Lose 5 points.

You encounter a mysterious character in the Mind Game who claims to have knowledge of what’s really happening in Battle School. They offer to show you the truth. Do you accept?

  • A: Yes, eager to learn more.
  • B: No, choosing to stay focused on the game.

  • A: Yes, eager to learn more.
    • Outcome: The truth is overwhelming, and you struggle to process it. Lose 5 points.
  • B: No, choosing to stay focused on the game.
    • Outcome: You maintain control over your mind. Gain 10 points.

You learn that the Formics once tried to retreat from war, but humans misinterpreted their actions as aggression.

  • A: Keep quiet to avoid disrupting human unity.
  • B: Speak out and try to set the record straight.
    • Outcome: You risk being labeled a traitor but fight for the truth. 

  • A: Keep quiet to avoid disrupting human unity.
    • Outcome: The lie continues, but humanity stays united. Gain 5 points.
  • B: Speak out and try to set the record straight.
    • Outcome: You risk being labeled a traitor but fight for the truth. Lose 10 points.

During a critical battle simulation, you are given conflicting orders from two superior officers.

  • A: Follow the safer order to minimize risk.
    • Outcome: You maintain stability but miss a chance for victory. Lose 5 points.
  • B: Take the riskier option for potential glory.
    • Outcome: You achieve an impressive win. Gain 15 points.

  • A: Follow the safer order to minimize risk.
    • Outcome: You maintain stability but miss a chance for victory. Lose 5 points.
  • B: Take the riskier option for potential glory.
    • Outcome: You either achieve an impressive win or suffer a major defeat. Gain 15 points or lose 10 points.

You learn a shocking secret about your training. Do you keep playing along?

  • A: Accept it and continue as planned.
  • B: Question everything and seek the full truth.

  • A: Accept it and continue as planned.
    • Outcome: You complete your mission but feel conflicted. -5 points
  • B: Question everything and seek the full truth.
    • Outcome: You gain real understanding. +10 points