Imagine you are in your first battle simulation, and your team is up against an experienced army. You notice a flaw in their formation, but your commander orders you to follow the standard strategy. What do you do?
Imagine you are playing the Mind Game, and you encounter a giant who challenges you to pick between two drinks. He tells you that one drink will let you pass, and the other will kill you. What do you do?
Imagine you are on a scouting mission when you discover a surviving Formic drone, injured and defenseless.
Imagine you are leading a training simulation when you realize the enemy is using a strategy you've never seen before.
A: Stick to the tactics you've been taught.
You overhear two high-ranking officials discussing how the war is being manipulated for political gain.
During a practice session, a group of older students corners you and starts pushing you around. What do you do?
The game presents you with a door labeled "The End." You have no idea what lies beyond. Do you enter?
You intercept a mysterious message from the Formics. It appears to be an attempt at communication, but command orders you to ignore it.
Your team is split on how to approach a critical mission. Half want an aggressive attack, while the other half prefers a cautious approach.
Your team is being used in an experiment without your knowledge, affecting your ability to think clearly.
Your commander refuses to let you participate in a key battle, even though you know you could help. How do you respond?
The Mind Game suddenly morphs into your worst nightmare—your biggest fear playing out in front of you. How do you respond?
During a mission, you find a hidden Formic colony that was never reported to Earth. The Formics are not attacking but seem to be preparing for something.
During a war simulation, you are told your forces are outmatched. You can retreat or take a risky gamble.
During a war simulation, you are told your forces are outmatched. You can retreat or take a risky gamble.
You discover a teammate is secretly breaking the rules. Do you report them?
During a zero-gravity battle, you see a teammate struggling to adjust to the environment. Do you help them?
The game presents you with an image of your family. They call out to you, begging you to leave Battle School and return home. What do you do?
A captured Formic shows signs of intelligence and emotion, contradicting everything you've been taught about them.
A: Report your findings to the higher-ups.
One of your closest friends is failing Command School and may be sent home. They ask for your help, even though it might set you back.
Someone you trust convinces you to make a questionable choice. What do you do?
A: Follow their advice without question.
One of your closest friends in Battle School is falling behind and may be sent home. They ask you to help them train. What do you do?
You encounter a mysterious character in the Mind Game who claims to have knowledge of what’s really happening in Battle School. They offer to show you the truth. Do you accept?
You learn that the Formics once tried to retreat from war, but humans misinterpreted their actions as aggression.
During a critical battle simulation, you are given conflicting orders from two superior officers.
You learn a shocking secret about your training. Do you keep playing along?