What was your favorite activity that you did in therapy?
That was fun!
Name someone who can help you when you have a problem or worry.
Any answer
(Family, Friend, School)
How are you feeling today?
Do schools offer mental health support?
Bonus: who can you speak to at school to find mental health support?
Bonus: guidance
How do you say goodbye in Spanish?
Tell about a skill you learned in therapy that you can use to deal with problems that come up in the future.
You have done great work!
What is a positive change you have made during your time in therapy?
Good job!
What is something that made you happy today? What is something that made you feel annoyed or angry today?
We all have positive and negative feelings. It's ok.
True or False: Happiness is contagious
True. Studies have found that your likelihood of happiness raises 15.3% if a family member or close friend is happy.
Nice job!
What helped you most during your time in therapy?
I hope this continues to be helpful!
What is something you are able to do better now that you are done with therapy?
Nice job!
How did you feel about starting therapy? How do you feel about therapy now?
True or False: it's normal to experience mental health stress and over half of all people experience mental health issues in their lifetime
Do some animals feel empathy/emotions?
Yes. There has been evidence that animals such as dogs and elephants can show emotion/empathy.
Fill in the blank: My proudest moment in therapy was when I...
Fill in the blank: Something I need to keep working on is....
Change is constant
How do you feel about ending therapy?
Ending can be bitter sweet.
What percent of children in Canada struggle with mental health issues?
Around 20% (CMHO)
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
Blue Whale
What advice would you give to another person who has experienced a similar problem as the one that brought you to therapy?
Thank you for sharing!
What brought you to therapy? How do you think you did with that?
How would you know if needed to return to therapy? How would you feel about that?
It's ok if you need help. Everyone goes through difficult times. It's ok to get help.
What is the science behind deep breathing working to lower stress?
When you deep breath, you take in more oxygen, which lowers your heart rate and helps your mind slow down.
Who wrote the famous play Romeo and Juliet?
William Shakespeare