This anterior pituitary hormone secretes mammary gland's milk.
Bonus for 100 points: This anterior pituitary hormone helps in the release of thyroid hormones
Prolactin (PRL)
Bonus: Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (THS)
When does the thymus reach maximus size?
Bonus for 100 points: What is the preffered energy source for most cells?
Just before puberty or early teens.
Bonus: Glucose
Pre-Diabetes is also known as what?
Bonus for 50 points: Diabetics patient mostly die due to what?
Metabolic Syndrome
Bonus: Atheroclerosis
Autoimmune disorder that is one of the causes of hyperthyroidism.
Bonus for 100 points: Immune system makes this antibody that attatches to thyroid cells called;
Bonus: Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobin (TSI)
Under what number is low Blood glucose level for pediatric patients?
Bonus: Get the question above right and you get to steal 150 points from 1 person.
Below 60 mg/dL
What does the Melanocyte-stimulating hormone produce?
Bonus (STEAL UP TO 200 POINTS): Which anterior pituitary hormone is responsible for ovulation in women, estrogen/progesterone, & prepares the body for pregnancy?
Bonus: Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
What is located behind the stomach and is composed of both endocrine/exocrine tissues?
Bonus (Steal up to 200 points): The adrenal cortex stores what?
The Pancreas
Bonus: stores lipids - cholesterol & fatty acids.
What type of diabetes is non-insulin dependent and is controlled by diet and exercise?
Bonus (Gamble up to 200 points): What is the most common endocrine disorder?
Type 2 (NIDDM)
Bonus: Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Chronic untreated hypothyroidism creates this;
True or false (200 points, only you can answer this); Aggressive, active rewarming is an treatment for the condition above.
Myxedema & Myexedma Crisis
Bonus: False bozo
200 per question
1.Located in the neck anterior to & just below cartilage of larynx
2.Located on posterior lateral surfaces of thyroid, one pair above the other
3.Located in the mediastinum just behind sternum. Large in children, shrinks in adult
1. Thyroid
2. Parathyroid
3. Thymus
Endocrine or Exocrine, which one is a ductless gland?
Bonus (steal up to 200 points): Beta cells produce what?
Bonus: Insulin
Which gland establishes day-night cycles of activities and slows timing of sexual maturity?
Bonus for 100 points: Catecholamines are : __________ & __________
The pineal gland.
Bonus: Epi & NorEpi
What type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and resembles Type 2?
Bonus for 100 points: What is normal Blood Glucose level range?
Bonus: 80-120
Cushing Syndrome has excess production of what?
Bonus (Get out of punishment free card): What is the dose for sodium bicarb?
cortisol by the adrenal glands
Bonus: 1meQ/kg
What regulates metabolism of carbs, fat & protein and transports glucose into cells?
Bonus: What are the two ways it is released?
Bonus: Bolus & Basal
Bonus for 100 points: This hormone has genotropin which regulates activites of gonads, egg, development of women, estrogen secretion, sperm.
Bonus: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Which hormone is responsible for red blood cell production by bone marrow?
Bonus: Which hormone is responsible for calcium absorption?
Erythroprotein (EPO)
Bonus: Calcitriol
Name the 3 P's in Type 1 Diabetes
Bonus (If you get this right, get 500 points, if you get this wrong, you lose 250 points): If glucose level is greater than _______ , glucose is lost in the urine (Glycosuria)
Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia
Bonus: 180
This type of crisis has a stabbing pain the abdomen, low back, or legs. Unexplained cardiovascular collapse.
Bonus (GAMBLE up to 400 points): How often should you repeat blood glucose analysis in both hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic patients?
Addisonian Crisis / Adrenal Crisis.
Bonus: Every 15 mins.
The kidney cells react to decrease in blood volume or BP by releasing this enzyme;
GET CLOSE TO THE SUN AND YOU FINNA BURN, ONLY YOUR OPPONENTS can answer this question, sorry bozo
Name the 2 hormones that are in the Posterior Pituitary Lobe
ADH & Oxytocin
General Adaption Syndrome has 3 phases known as;
Bonus for 200 points: What is fluid within the circulatory system?
1. Alarm, 2. Resistance, 3. Exhaustion
Bonus: Intravascular fluid.
EVERYONE CAN CHOOSE TO ANSWER THIS IF THEY WANT, IF YOU GET IT WRONG LOSE 200 POINTS: This type of hyperglycemia has a high mortality rate 40-70%
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS)
What contributes to salt & fluid balance in body by regulating Na+ & K+ excretion?
Bonus for 200 points: "Moon-faced" appearance, weight gain is from what condition?
Bonus: Hyperadrenalism - Cushing's Syndrome
Reproductive organs produce hormones/reproductive cells known as ;
Bonus for 100 points: male is sperm so female is ________
Bonus: Ovum