The two layers of the Adrenal Gland
What are the Cortex and Medulla
(Highly Vascular Layer with sinusoids = medulla)
(Layers with vacuolated cells = cortex)
The embryological origin of adrenal glands
What is intermediate mesoderm & neural crest cells
The two lobes of the pituitary
What are the anterior and posterior lobes
The left and right sides of this image
What are the anterior and posterior pituitary
The Zona of the cortex that contains organized glandular cells in columns and the most vacuolated cells
What is zona fasciculata
The spinal level of this transverse section
The area where the pituitary is located
what is the sella turcica
The three cell types in the anterior pituitary
What are acidophils (prolactin & growth hormone), basophils (B-FLAT), chromophobes (non-secretory precursers)
These cells are found in the adrenal medulla and secrete catecholamines
What are chromaffin cells?
(Chromaffin cells in the medulla are lightly stained basophilic cells that are arranged in ovoid clusters in close proximity to capillaries.)
The arteries supplying the Adrenal glands and their origin
What are the superior adrenal artery (inferior phrenic), middle adrenal artery(abdo aorta), and the inferior adrenal artery (renal artery)
The area anterior to the pituitary that can be impinged by a pituitary adenoma
Optic chiasm
The three cells found in the posterior pituitary
What are Herring bodies (ADH/Oxytocin). glial cells, endothelial cells (blood vessels)
The three cellular characteristics of the Zona Reticularis
What are small darker stained cells, Anastomosing cords (glands fusing together), reticular pattern (meshwork)
the venous drainage of the Adrenal glands and where they drain into
What are the left and right adrenal veins (left renal vein and right IVC)
The embryological origins of the pituitary
What are ectoderm (rathke's pouch) & neural ectoderm
The histological structure of the anterior pituitary in comparison to the thyroid gland
The pathology present in this slide
What is Waterhouse-Friderichsen
The tissue that surrounds the adrenal glands
paranephric fascia
The two parts of the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary
What are pars nervosa (neurohypothesis) & pars tuberalis/ pars distalis(adenohypothesis) /infundibular stalk
The place where ADH & Oxytocin are produced
what is the hypothalamus