Risk factors for UTI
What is Urinary stasis, Renal calculi, Gender, age, Diabetes, recent use of antibiotics
Clinical Manifestations include Heat intolerance: hallmark symptom with diaphoresis, palpitations, visual changes, exopthalmus, blurry vision Change in energy level (fatigue, weakness common) irritability, depression Change in menses: amonorrhea, decreased flow
What is hyperthyroidism. What is the treatment?
Condition due to an ADH deficiency. Clinical Manifestations include dehydration, increase thirst, increase in urination.
What is Diabetes Insipidous. What is the treatment and nursing interventions?
After renal procedures and surgeries, patients should be monitored for:
What is urinary output?
Post op lithotripsy plan of care
What is strain urine, maintain fluids, monitor urine output for amount and color. Teach patient that bruising may occur, report hematuria, increased pain, drop in urine output and fever.
Clinical manifestations of renal stones
What is pain, infection, hematuria,
Clinical manifestations include: hypoglycemia, hypotension, hyperkalemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, skin hyperpigmentation, weight loss
What is acute adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease) What is the treatment?
Clinical manifestations include: HTN, elevated BUN/Cr, water retention, elevated potassium, uremia from buildup of end products for protein metabolism
What is chronic renal failure
Term when urinary output is (less than) <50ml/day
What is anuric
What constitutes a renal diet?
What is low protein, fluid restriction, low K+, low Na+, low phosphorus.
Leading risk factor for bladder cancer
What is tobacco use.
Clinical manifestations include water retention, hyponatremia, lethargy, confusion, change in level of consciousness.
What is SIADH? What are treatments and nursing interventions?
Cortisol levels are low due to hypofunction of the adrenal cortex resulting in dark pigmentation of the elbows and knuckles, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia
What is addison's disease
Treatment for renal calculi includes?
What is pain management, fluids, straining urine, lithotripsy, uteroplasty, uterolithotomy, nephrolithotomy?
What are uremic symptoms?
What is metallic taste, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, itching, fatigue, hiccups, edema, paresthesias
Procedures used to treat BPH.
What is TURP, prostatectomy, TUIP,
Clinical manifestations include hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia
What is hyperparathyroisism? What are the treatments and nursing interventions?
Clinical manifestations include moon face, truncal obesity, weight gain, osteoporosis, striae, increased risk for infection.
What is Cushing's syndrome? What are treatments and nursing interventions?
Urine output of less than 400 ml/day.
What is oliguria?
Post op care for thyroidectomy
What is Monitor VS, semi-fowlers position, avoid neck extension, monitor airway, monitor for hemmorhage, have trach tray at bedside
What is normal range of urine specific gravity. What affects specific gravity?
Endocrine condition where client can have elevated catecholamine levels and BP can exceed 250/140.
What is pheochromocytoma?
A disorder manifested by fatigue, fluid retention, edema, decreased appetite, weight gain, constipation Most common is Hashimoto Disease
What is hypothyroidism
The most common and oldest urinary diversion procedure
What is ileal conduit?
Common management for all types of renal stones
What is increase fluid intake/ hydration 2-3 L/day