We can live without endocrine system
What is no, we cannot live without it
Spots the endocrine glands located
What is throughout the body:
Main area is the brain/throat/chest area - with the thyroid glands and pituitary gland.
Name of the system
What is endocrine system?
Pineal gland is located
What is in the middle of the brain
Meaning of glands
What is an organ that makes hormones that travel to tissues and cells + organs
The biggest gland in the endocrine system
What is the thyroid
Pineal gland does this
What is produces melatonin that regulates your sleep
Use of pituary
What is it controls many functions of the other endocrine glands.
Pancreas plays a role in
What is produces hormones that regulate blood glucose
Pituitary gland does this
What is monitors and regulates growth hormones; also controls reproductive glands
Gland that regulates metabolism and other body systems
What is adrenal gland
Thyroid's plays an important part in the body's
What is metabolism
Testes gender
What is male
Ovary gender
What is female
Hypothalamus job is to
What is connect the nervous system and endocrine system; control hormones from the central nervous system
Thymus produces
What is white blood cells that fight infections and destroy abnormal cells.
Endocrine system is associated with
What is hormones and growth?
Five main parts of endocrine
What is female ovaries, male testes, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands
Gland that controls and regulates growth hormones (and reproductive organs)
What is the Pituitary gland
Adrenal Glands are located on top of each
What is kidney