Who is called the father of physics
Who is The Mother of physics

{If u get both right 2x points,

If u get 1 wrong minus 200 points}

 Isaac Newton

Marie Curie.


Collision causes damage 

Lose 100 Points

 . . .


Give an example to show the conservation of potential energy to kinetic energy when put to use.

Answers may vary- Teachers desicion

If right then all other questions after this are +100 points 


2X points for this one

 State true or false: The object must be displaced for the work to be done.

  1. True 2. False

1) truee


Who uses the most energy in the world ( 2024)



Explain Sound energy

( and its SI unit for 100 points)

Sound energy is possesed by a body when a sound is produced by vibrating of an object that reaches our ear mambrane

( hertz )


Energy just destroyed you-

-200 points

 womp womp 


What are the various factors affecting kinetic energy?

  1. Mass
  2. Momentum
  3. Velocity
  4. All the above options

(4) all of the above


What are some daily Uses of energy

- Answers can Vary ( Teacher decides points)


What is mechanical energy

(for 100 extra points state the 2 forms of mechanical energy)

Mechanical energy is  the energy possesed by a object due to its state of rest

( Potential and Kinetic)


Explain the following

1- conservation of energy

2- Production of Hydro electricity

3- Joules

1  energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Although, it may be transformed from one form to another. In a closed system, i.e., a system that is isolated from its surroundings, the total energy of the system is conserved.

2 water flows through a pipe—also known as a penstock—and then spins the blades in a turbine, which, in turn, spins a generator that ultimately produces electricity 

3 joule, the unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI).


The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is ————-

  1. Mechanical energy
  2. Thermal energy
  3. Potential energy
  4. Kinetic Energy
(1) Mechanical

i Energy Conservation Day is celebrated on _____

  1. January 14th
  2. March 14th
  3. August 14th
  4. December 14th


 Shafts in the windmill aid in converting mechanical energy into _____?

  1. Chemical energy
  2. Solar energy
  3. Electrical energy
  4. Thermal energy

i-(4) December 14

ii-(3) Electrical


Name all 8 forms of energy

Mechanical, light, heat., chemical, sound ,magnetic, electrical and atomic


State the change of energy( each is 50 points)

1 Photosynthesis

2 Microphone


4 Photo voltaic cell

5 Biogas

6 Dry cell

7 Loudspeaker

8 Car

1 Light energy To chemical energy

2 Sound energy to electrical energy

3 chemical energy to heat energy

4  Light energy to electrical energy

5 Chemical energy to heat energy

6 chemical energy to electrical energy

7 electrical energy to sound energy

8 chemical energy to heat/mechanical energy

If u got all right then 100 extra points


 If a force acting on a body causes no displacement, the work done is—————

  1. -1
  2. 1
  3. 0
  4. Infinity

(3) 0


3X points Question - - -
Who invented Joules 

(extra question -  where is  joules used in our daily life for 300 points)

James Prescott Joule

For measuring Energy consumption


Why Are the different forms of energy important?

( Answers can Vary)


What is the law of conservation of energy?

[for 3x points-

 The temperature of water at the top of the fall will be different from the temperature at the foot of the fall. EXPLAIN WHY OR WHY NOT?]

The energy can only be transformed from one form to another, it can neither be created nor destroyed

Explanation: The velocity of water is maximum at the foot of the fall because potential energy is converted into kinetic energy when the water falls from a height. At the bottom of the fall, the velocity is rapidly reduced to zero, and hence Its kinetic energy gets transformed into heat energy at the bottom, which raises its temperature. 

If both are right ( 2000 poins ) 


1. The formula to find the work done is

  1. W = F+s
  2. W = Fxs
  3. W = F-s
  4. W = F/s

( 2) W=Fxs