Energy and Motion
Cause and Effect
Force, weight, and speed
Energy Transfer

This is the ability to do work.

What is energy?


The river water is moving therefore, the river has kinetic energy.  The signal word, cause, and effect are this.

What is therefore the signal word, the river has kinetic energy is the effect and the river is moving is the cause

This is what can affect the speed of an object's kinetic energy.

What is the weight of an object?


The change in energy from one object to another is called this?

What is energy transfer?


This is what will happen when the cue ball is hit with the cue stick.

What is the cue stick transferring kinetic energy to the ball?


These are 2 different kinds of energy. 

What are light, sound, potential, or kinetic energy?

This is the signal word, cause and effect. The race car has kinetic energy, as a result of speeding around the corner.

What is as a result of is the signal word, the race car has kinetic energy is the effect and speeding around the corner is the cause.


This is the measurement of how fast an objects position changes in a given amount of time.

What is speed?

This is the energy that some kinetic energy is changed into when a block hits the table.

What is sound energy?


This is what happens to the electrical energy inside the tv.

What is the electrical energy transferring to light and sound energy?


This is the stored energy in an object.

What is potential energy?


What is the signal word, cause and effect for this sentence.  Since enough energy moves from domino to domino, the dominos keep falling.

What is the signal word is since, the cause is enough energy moves from domino to domino and the effect is the dominoes keep falling.


This is what affects an object's kinetic energy.

What is an object that weight more has more kinetic energy.


This is what electrical energy changes into for a boy to see a game on his gameboy.

What is light energy?


This is what happens before the collision of a cue ball and cue stick.

What is the ball has kinetic energy and moves toward the other balls?


This is the energy that an object has due to its motion.

What is kinetic energy?


What is the signal word, cause, and effect for this sentence.  Some potential energy is stored in the domino due to lifting the domino and standing it upright.

Due to is the signal word, the cause:  lifting the domino and standing it upright and effect: some potential energy is stored in the domino.


This is what affects an object's amount of kinetic energy.

What is the faster an object's speed, the more kinetic energy it has.


This is the energy that wind has.

What is kinetic energy?


This is what happens after the collision of the cue ball and stick.

What is the transfer of kinetic energy makes the balls move in different directions?


KE and PE can be seen in different places.  Give an example.

What is ke and pe?


What is the signal word, cause, and effect for this sentence. The first domino falls as a result of the potential energy changing to kinetic energy.

As a result of is the signal word, the cause:  as a result, the cause: the potential energy changing to kinetic energy and effect:  the first domino falls


This is the downward force that pushes on an object.

What is the force of gravity or weight?


When  electrical energy from a battery changes into light energy to turn on the lantern bulb this is called this.  

What is a change shown in energy from one form to another? (transfer of energy)


This is one way that you can use the knowledge of motion or energy to obey God's command.

What is using energy transfer and collisions to - teach a sport, bake food for others, or use motion to know the applied forces in moving things?