Electric Circuits

What is energy?

The ability to do work or or to cause change. 


What is a collision? Give an example. 

When one object crashes into another object.

Example: Car crash


What are waves?

Waves are a pattern of motion that transfer energy from place to place without transferring matter.


What is a circuit?

A path for electricity to travel through. 


Name 5 types of energy. 

Potential, kinetic, sound, light, chemical, heat, mechanical, etc. 


Object A collides with Object B. Object B was moving faster than Object A. Which object will transfer more energy? What will happen as a result?

Object B will transfer more energy. As a result, Object A will move. 


Name a few different types of waves. 

Sound waves travel through air and allow us to hear sound. Water waves move on top of water. Light waves move in straight lines through space.


A circuit needs to be _________ in order for electricity to travel.


What happens when energy is transferred? Give an example of an energy transfer. 

It moves from place to place. 

Example: Kicking a ball


What happens to energy during a collision?

It transfers from one object to another. It can also be transformed.


Why don't we hear sounds in outerspace?

In space, there is no matter for the sound wave to travel through.


Name and define two types of circuits.

Series circuit (one path) and parallel circuit (two or more paths)


What happens when energy is transformed? Give an example of an energy transformation. 

When you turn on your stove, electrical energy is transformed into heat energy.


When a bowling ball strikes a pin, what kind of energy is being transformed? How is the energy transferred?

Kinetic energy transforms into sound and heat energy. The energy transfers from the bowling ball to the pins. 


What is amplitude? What does amplitude tell us about sound waves?

Amplitude is the height of a wave. Bigger amplitude means that there is a loud sound. Small amplitude means that the sound is low. In other words, amplitude tells us the sound's volume. 


What is a conductor? What is an insulator? Give an example of each.

A conductor allows energy to travel through it. An insulator does NOT allow energy to travel through it. Metal is a conductor. Plastic is an insulator.  

What is the law of conservation of energy?

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 


What are two factors that could change the amount of energy transferred during a collision?

Mass and speed


What is wavelength? What does wavelength tell us about the sound?

Wavelength is the length of a wave. It tells us how low pitched or high pitched a sound is. Bigger wave length means the sound is low pitched. Shorted wavelength means the sound is high pitched. 
Name and define 5 parts of a circuit.

Source - the source of the energy, for example a battery. 

Switch - turns the circuit on and off. 

Wires - the conductor for the energy to travel on. 

Resistor - slows down the energy.