Types of energy
Energy Transfer

How does sound travel?

Through the air in the form of sound waves

What are 5 types of energy?

You can have 5 of the following. 

Chemical, thermal, nuclear, electrical, kinetic, potential, sound, light.


Define the word collisions

When two objects collide or hit each other


Give me an example of energy transfer.

Will take any reasonable answer.


Which of the following objects is a conductor?

a. plastic

b. paper

c. metal

d. wood



Give an example of heat energy

will take any reasonable answers


Define energy

Energy is the ability to do work or cause change


What happens to the energy of objects when they collide?

The energy is transferred from one object to the other.


What is the correlation between particles and temperature.

The higher the temperature, the faster the particles move.

The lower the temperature, the slower the particles move.


Briana plugs the lamp into the wall, Electricity goes from the outlet, through the cord, and into the light bulb. Which choice best describes the cord?

a conductor


Give an example of natural light

Give an example of man-made light

will take reasonable answers


What is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the stored energy in an object. 

Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object.


Give me an example of two objects colliding.

will take any reasonable answer


Give an example of how kinetic energy can transfer into sound energy.

any reasonable answer accepted


What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator

A conductor is material that allows electrical current (electricity) to flow through it easily. 

An insulator is a material that does not allow electrical current (electricity) to flow through it easily.


Who is correct? One student says a roller coaster traveling down the hill has potential energy. Another student says it has kinetic energy. Which student is correct?

Both students are correct. The roller coaster has kinetic energy because it is moving. However, it has potential energy because it still has more room to move.


Aislin is asked to compare light and sound. Which statement should she use? 

a. sound and light are forms of electrical energy

b. sound and light are forms of thermal energy

c. sound and light are forms of potential energy

d. sound and light are both forms of energy

Sound and light are both forms of energy


Which is more dangerous?

A car traveling at a slow speed colliding with another car traveling at a slow speed?

A car traveling at medium speed colliding with another car traveling at a medium speed. 

A car traveling at a high speed colliding with another car traveling at a high speed.

A car traveling at a high speed colliding with another car traveling at a high speed.


Which statement best describes heat?

a. Heat moves from hot objects to cold objects

b. heat moves from cold objects to hot objects

c. heat is the temperature of an object

d. heat only moves through wires.

Heat moves from hot objects to cold objects


What happens to the particles in an object that is heated

The particles move faster

Fill in the blanks

Energy cannot be ___________ or ___________

Energy cannot be created or destroyed


Give me an example of each of the following energies. 

Chemical energy

Thermal energy

Electrical energy

Chemical energy- 

Thermal energy-

Electrical energy-

In this scenario, where is energy being transferred?

Chloe and Natalia are bowling. Natalia grabs the bowling ball, walks up to the lane, swings her arm back then forward, and finally releases the ball. The ball hits the ground, rolls down the lane, and crashes into all of the pins. The pins fall to the ground and Chloe looks at Natalia amazed because she just got a strike.

Natalia transfers the kinetic energy in her arm to the ball

the ball transfers kinetic energy into sound energy when it hits the ground and when it hits the pins

The pins transfer potential energy to kinetic energy when they fall down


Energy can be transferred through _________,

_________, ____________, and ______________.

Energy can be transferred through heat, sound, light, and electricity.


A hot pot is placed on a cold table. Where will the heat move?

To the cold table