Speed and Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Friction and more
Newton's Laws of Motion
A car took 2 hours to travel 150 miles. What was the speed of the car? A) 50 mph B) 75 mph C) 150 mph D) 300 mph
What is B, 75 mph?
Mary jumps rope. No matter how high he jumps, he still returns to the ground. What force pulls him back to the ground? A) inertia B) gravity C) friction D) pressure
What is B, gravity?
Smooth surfaces have less __________________ than rough surfaces. A) gravity B) force C) friction D) velocity
What is C, friction?
Tom and Sarah are pushing on opposite sides of a door. Sarah is pushing with more force than Tom. What will happen to the door? A) it will stay in the same place B) it will move toward Sarah C) it will move toward Tom D) It will break
What is C, it will move toward Tom?
Madison sets a log at the top of a hill by a school. She sets the log down on the cement. What do you predict will happen to the log? A) it won't move B) it will roll downhill C) it will roll uphill D) it will roll across the hill
What is B, it will roll downhill?
Ken measured the time it took him to run 30 meters. What can he calculate using the distance and time measurements? A) mass B) force C) speed D) direction
What is C, speed?
Emma rolls the ball on the ground which eventually comes to a stop. What force causes the ball to stop rolling? A) friction B) inertia C) heat D) magnetism
What is A, friction?
How can the amount of friction on an object be increased? A) decrease the mass of the object B) push the object on a smooth surface C) change the color of the object D) push the object on a rough surface
What is D, push the object on a rough surface?
Katie tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. What force pulls her to the ground? A) inertia B) gravity C) friction D) pressure
What is B, gravity?
Tina is pushing on a wall. The wall pushes back on Tina's hands. Which law of motion is being described?
What is Newton's 3rd Law, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction?
Hilary is standing at the top of a hill in front of her house. She sets her basketball down on the cement sidewalk. What do you predict will be the motion of the basketball? A) It will not move B) it will roll downhill C) It will roll uphill D) it will roll across the hill
What is B, it will roll downhill?
Lin is conduction an investigation on force. Which device is he MOST LIKELY using to measure the amount of force required to move a box? A) balance B) meterstick C) stopwatch D) spring scale
What is D, spring scale?
A force that causes an object to change its motion is a(n) __________________. A) balance force B) reactive force C) Unbalanced force D) negative force
What is C, unbalanced force?
In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. Which of the following changed while he was on the moon? A) his mass B) his volume C) his density D) his weight
What is D, his weight?
A rock will stay in place until I kick it. What law of motion is this?
What is Newton's 1st Law, an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an unbalanced force acts on it?
What are balanced forces? A) forces that have the same weight and size B) forces that are used at the same time C) forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction D) forces that produce friction
What is C, forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction?
If an unbalanced force acting on an object is increased, the object will - A) accelerate more B) remain at constant velocity C) remain at constant speed D) remain still
What is A, accelerate more?
A bus is traveling north at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour(km/hr). A motorcycle traveling north at a speed of 120 km/hr passes the bus. Which describes what the bus's motion looks like to the driver of the motorcycle? A) the bus looks like it is moving south at 30 km/hr B) the bus looks like it is moving north at 90 km/hr C) the bus looks like it is moving north at 120 km/hr D) the bus looks like it is moving south at 210 km/hr
What is A, the bus looks like it is moving south at 30 km/hr?
Thomas rolls a matchbox car across his sidewalk. What force causes the car to stop rolling? A) friction B) inertia C) gravity D) magnetism
What is A, friction?
If there was no friction between a rock and ice, what would happen to the rock? Which law of motion is this?
What is Newton's 1st law of motion?
Jalen and DeMarious are pushing on opposite sides of a book lyin on a table. They are each pushing with equal force. What will happen to the book? A) it will slide off the table B) it will move toward Greg C) it will move toward Jamie D) it will stay in the same place
What is D, it will stay in the same place?
Which demonstrates balanced forces? A) a bicycle leaning against a building B) a kite falling to the ground C) a bus accelerating around a curve D) wind slowing down a runner
What is C, accelerating around a curve?
Four different spring scales show the forces needed to pull objects with different masses across different surfaces at a constant speed. Which spring scale is being used to pull the object with the smallest mass across the smoothest surface(the surface with the least friction)? A) the spring scale that registers 20 newtons B) the spring scale that measures 12 newtons C) the spring scale that measures 5 newtons D) the spring scale that measures 12 newtons
What is C, the spring scale that measures 5 newtons?
In space, a person will continue traveling at the same speed for an indefinite amount of time. This is an example of: A) conservation of momentum B) reaction force C) the first law of motion D) the second law of motion
What is C, the first law of motion?
An object's acceleration depends on the object's mass and the force action on it. Which of Newton's laws of motion is this?
What is Newton's 2nd law, the unbalanced force of an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration: F = m x a?