Potential and Kinetic
Potential and Kinetic
Types of Energy
Types of Energy Again
Energy Changes

What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is STORED by an object because of its POSITION.  

Kinetic energy is USED by an object because of its MOTION/ MOVEMENT.


A marble is being held at rest on a ramp.  If the marble is released, how will its energy be transformed?

The potential energy stored in the marble is transformed to kinetic energy to make the marble move.


When an object is in a raised or higher position, it has ____________.

The higher the object, ______________________.

position (potential) energy;

the more position (potential energy) it has.


Name two types of KINETIC energy.

motion energy, heat energy, sound energy, light energy, electrical energy


What happens to kinetic energy when objects collide?

(There is a certain word you must use in your answer.)

Some or all of it is transferred from one object to another.


A student rides a bike between points P and S.  Which statement correctly describes the energy of the student on the bike?

A. Potential energy changes to kinetic energy between points R and S 

B. At point P, there is only kinetic energy with no potential energy. 

C. Kinetic energy changes to potential energy between points R and S.

D. At point Q, there is only potential energy with no kinetic energy. 

C. Kinetic energy changes to potential energy between points R and S.


A student performs jumping jack exercises at the gym. The student starts and stops the exercise for each jumping jack.  At which points is the student storing potential energy and using kinetic energy?

The student stores potential energy when stopped and uses kinetic energy when moving.


Name two types of POTENTIAL energy.

position energy, elastic/spring energy, chemical energy, electrical energy


The more heat energy an object has, ______________________________.

the warmer or hotter it gets.


What is it called when one object gives energy to another?



Which object(s) possess(es) KINETIC energy?

Objects 1 and 3


At what point on the track is the POTENTIAL energy of the roller coaster car greatest, and why?

Point W; the roller coaster car is at the highest point that it can be within this system.  It has not yet gone down the ramp to transform stored potential energy to kinetic energy.


If I drink a cup of hot chocolate, my body will store chemical potential energy.  

I notice as I touch the cup that it is still hot.  What other type of energy am I experiencing?

heat energy


What is the original source of ALL energy?

the sun


What is it called when one type of energy changes into another?



Which examples are correctly matched to the type of energy it possesses, and why?

1 and 3; moving objects have kinetic energy, and objects at rest in a high position have potential energy.


A student observes a marble rolling down a ramp at points R, S, and T.  At what points does the marble have the LEAST KINETIC energy, and why?

Points R and T; the marble is not moving at point R and slows to a stop at point T.


Give an example of electrical energy being transformed to sound energy.

alarm clock, radio, tv,...


Give an example of electric energy being transformed to light energy.

light bulb, tv, flashlight, laser pointer,...


A student conducts an experiment with a ball.  The student releases the ball, and it drops to the floor and bounces.  Which energy transformations take place from when the ball is dropped to when it hits the floor?

A. Potential energy is transformed into motion (kinetic) energy when the ball is dropped, and then motion (kinetic) energy is transformed into sound (kinetic) energy when the ball hits the floor.

B. Motion (kinetic) energy is transformed into sound (kinetic) energy when the ball is dropped, and then sound (kinetic) energy is transformed into motion (kinetic) energy when the ball hits the floor. 

C. Motion (kinetic) energy is transformed into sound (kinetic) energy when the ball is dropped, and then sound (kinetic) energy is transformed into motion (kinetic) energy when the ball hits the floor. 

D. Motion (kinetic) energy is transformed into potential energy when the ball is dropped, and then potential energy is transformed into sound (kinetic) energy when the ball hits the floor.

A. Potential energy is transformed into motion (kinetic) energy when the ball is dropped, and then motion (kinetic) energy is transformed into sound (kinetic) energy when the ball hits the floor.


The diagram shows a ball rolling down a hill at four different locations (L, M, N, and O).  At which TWO points does the ball possess the most POTENTIAL energy?

L and M


As the roller coaster car travels down the ramp from point W to point X, its kinetic energy increases. What conclusion can be drawn about the POTENTIAL energy of the roller coaster car as it travels from point W to point X?

The potential energy decreases, because it is losing its position.  The potential energy is transforming to kinetic energy.


Give an example of elastic potential energy being transformed to motion energy.

released arrow, bouncing ball, released rubber band, trampoline,...


Give an example of chemical potential energy being transformed to motion (kinetic) energy.

person moving using energy from food


Give an example of electric energy being transformed to heat energy.

heater, light bulb, stove/oven, hair dryer,...



When an object bounces, it is because that object has made contact with another object, became compressed (squeezed by pressure), and then returned to its original form (decompressed).

What type of potential energy does the object have when it is compressed/squeezed, before it returns to its original form?

elastic potential energy OR spring energy