What Climate Zone is Chemung County?
Section 301
Which is the measure of heat resistance, and which is the measure of heat loss?
Heat Resistance
Heat Loss
When designing with a Trombe Wall, what classification of wall would you use in any of the tables? (Column Headings)
Mass Wall
When a property owner violates the rights of his neighbor by building on or extending a structure to the neighbor's land or property.
To the best of your ability:
What is something you have an interest in or are passionate about and hope to focus on in your career?
I'll have to review everyone's answers.
For Me:
BIM and VR were not yet implemented in the firms I worked at, so getting them to use and be trained in these programs was my first "specialty."
I was also the Construction Administration / Building Code guy, because nobody wanted to or could be bothered, so that also became my niche specialty.
What is the square footage for which the thickness of blown/sprayed insulation needs to be marked in an attic.
Written on the trusses or joists per every 300 SF.
An area or component of an object which has higher conductivity than the surrounding materials, creating a path of least resistance for heat transfer.
Thermal Bridge
ICC 400
R402.1 (Exceptions)
Which Occupancy Classification would the following uses be classified as? (Most correct wins this one)
Dry Cleaning / Laundry
Aircraft Hangar
B - Business
M - Mercantile
U - Utility
To the best of your ability:
Is there a problem in your industry that you are already aware of, and want to help solve it or educate others on it?
I'll have to review everyone's answers.
For Me:
What we do in the eyes of the public, and getting paid.
Nobody knows what we do, when I was in college I still didn't know what we do. I have done everything I can to get out and shout/educate to whoever will listen.
This also dealt with the issue of pay...many Architects do a TON of free work, and since people don't know what we do they never think it should cost a lot. Educating / Communicating seems to be the best way to make people willing to pay more.
A number used to signify how much heat can enter a space through its glazing or fenestration.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
What is the R-Value required for the walls in a metal building for a Residential building in Climate Zone 1?
R-13 Cavity
+ 5ci (Continuous Insulation)
Table C402.1.3
Supply and Return Ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated to what R-Value?
Define Fireblocking.
Materials installed to resist the free passage of flame to other areas of the building through concealed spaces.
To the best of your ability:
Our industry is susceptible to the ebbs and flows of the economy more than any other. (Less money means less construction, which means less us)
If you had lost a lot of work and only had halftime of billable work each week, what are some ways you might try to get more income?
I'll have to review everyone's answers.
For Me:
At one point in my firm's beginning I was overloaded with work for Architectural Construction Drawings AND Home Inspections...then roughly eight months later Covid turned the world off and I had NOTHING to work on or bill.
I then started doing BIM models for real estate companies, coaching A.R.E candidates on passing the exams, even forced myself to write two books I kept stalling on...The moral is I wish I did all of those at the beginning and with a plan, not out of desperation.
In the Commercial section of the IECC, what are the design temperatures used for heating and cooling calculations?
72 Degrees Max for Heating
75 Degrees Min for Cooling
Using Table C402.1.4, what is the R-Value for the roof for a non-residential building in Climate Zone 8? (Insulation entirely above roof deck)
R-Value - 35.7 (1/0.028)
U-Factor - 0.028
If you have a ceiling with attic space above, instead of insulating your roof to R-38, if you can put insulation over 100% of the ceiling area, you only need an R-Value of what?
If you are renovating an existing stairway that originally has a riser height of 28'-0" with NO landings, and you are only able to renovate it to only have one landing halfway through the stairway, which compliance method would you be required to use?
Performance Compliance Method
“…allows for the existing buildings to be evaluated so as to show that alterations, while not meeting new construction requirements, will improve the current existing situation.”
Intended to maintain or increase the current degree of public safety.
Compliance with this section shall be accepted by the code official.
To the best of your ability:
Regardless of your major, do you have any plans to become familiar with the other aspects of your field, how? (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Design, Visualization)
I'll have to review everyone's answers.
For Me:
My biggest regret was not working in some capacities in Construction before working in Architecture full time...nothing has been more important to my career than construction knowledge. (Take a class, work somewhere, watch videos on your own time, SOMETHING)
How far below grade should the protective covering of exterior insulation applied to basement foundation walls be? (Commercial)
Which has the highest R-Value? (Assume thickness of 1")
Still Air
Still Air - 5.0
Concrete - 0.1
Aluminum - 0.6
Denim - 3.5
Regarding Energy Rating Index, what is the Ventilation Rate (In CFM) for a three bedroom house that is 3,000 SF?
CFM = 60
CFM = (0.01 x SF) + [7.5 x (Number of Bedrooms + 1)]
CFM = (0.01 x 3,000) + [7.5 x (3 + 1)]
CFM = (30) + (30)
When installing sprinklers in a Historic R-1 Building with transoms above each hallway door, what are you required to do?
Transoms must be closed in fixed position, and sprinklers must be installed on both sides of the transom.
To the best of your ability:
What do you feel is your biggest strength or opportunity for your career?
How about weakness or vulnerability? How do you plan to address it?
I'll have to review everyone's answers.
For Me:
I was, and still feel, a very fast BIM modeler, detailer and drafter. I took for granted how different it is to use Revit in a working capacity and had a lot to catch up.
My biggest weakness, I knew very little, and had almost NO interest in other subjects besides Architecture. It wasn't until Graduate School that I was forced to start reading and learning about OTHER THINGS...to this day I make sure to always read a non Architecture book after an Architecture one, same with videos, lectures, any content.