What is a closed loop that allows energy to flow through it called?
A circuit
A light bulb
The type of energy created from flowing rivers
Water energy
An engineer
The type of energy that is given from the Sun
What is a material that does NOT allow electricity to flow through it called?
An insulator
Name an example of heat energy transferring to light energy
A fire
The type of energy from turbines spinning in the air
Wind energy
An experiment
The type of energy that is sent from power plants through wires into buildings
Electrical energy
A toaster, a stove, a hair dryer, etc.
The structure used to collect solar energy
Solar Panels
What are materials that come from the environment that people use to make things they need called?
Natural resources
The type of energy that is given from burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal
Thermal energy
What is the device called that allows a person to control if a circuit is open or closed?
A switch
Power plants
Give a reason that water energy may NOT be a good choice for someplace to use as their main energy source
Dams can disturb wildlife and are expensive to build.
What is something harmful to the environment called?
The type of energy stored in a battery
How could you make a light bulb shine brighter that was sharing a circuit with one battery and one other light bulb?
Remove the other light bulb or add a battery
Who invented the device that would eventually inspire the design of the first steam powered train?
A greek inventor named Hero.
A machine that spins and converts energy