The Scientific Method
Types of Energy I
Types of Energy II
Energy Transfers

Jim wants to conduct an experiment to see if light will reflect off different materials. What does Jim have to do before starting his experiment?

What is write a hypothesis?


This is the sum of a system's kinetic and potential energy.

What is mechanical energy?


An apple is an example of this kind of energy.

What is chemical energy?


Thanksgiving is on this date this year.

What is November 28th?


A light bulb turns this electrical energy into this kind of energy.

What is radiant?


This is the comparison group in an experiment.

What is the control group?


The sun, a light bulb, and an X-ray all use this type of energy.

What is radiant energy?


This is the type of potential energy found in a compressed spring.

What is elastic energy?


These cartoon characters famously ate popcorn, buttered toast, pretzel sticks, jell beans, and an ice cream sundae for their Thanksgiving meal.

Who are The Peanuts? (Charlie Brown)


Your body uses this kind of energy from your food and turns it into motion and heat.

What is chemical?


Jasmine is doing an experiment to find out if plants grow better with rock music, country music, or no music. This is the independent variable in the experiment.

What is the type of music?


This type of energy is caused by vibrations, travels in waves, and is sensed by us through our ears.

What is sound?


This is the energy of motion.

What is kinetic energy?


This is the average cost of a Thanksgiving meal for 10 people.

What is about $50.


A windmill turns wind into this type of energy.

What is electrical?


Natalia conducted an experiment to learn more about the kinetic energy of a marble. She rolled a marble down a ramp to see how far it would move a cup at the bottom of the ramp. This might be a reason Natalia got a different result each time.

What is she started the marble at a different place, and/or pushed the marble a different amount, and/or placed the cup in a slightly different place?


A thermometer measures this kind of energy.

What is thermal energy?

Sound and light energy are alike in that they both produce this.
What are waves?

This man was president when Thanksgiving became a National Holiday.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


A toaster turns this kind of energy into this kind of energy.

What is electrical energy into thermal energy?


These two words should always be a part of your hypothesis.

What are "if" and "then"?


If you imagine a drop of water about to fall down a waterfall, at the top of the waterfall the drop of water has this kind of energy.

What is potential energy?


This is stored energy.

What is potential energy?


The Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City is named after this department store.

What is Macy's?


This kind of energy is given off in every energy transfer.

What is thermal energy?