Newton's Laws
Hodge Podge
What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state? What does this mean to you?
What is energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred or transformed. It means that energy isn't gained or lost but only changed.
Define a force and list 3 forces studied in this unit.
What is a push or a pull? What are contact force, gravity and friction?
a)Any force that keeps an object moving in a circle is known as ______________________ b)How does increasing this force affect acceleration?
a)What is centripetal force? b)Increases acceleration
One way to decrease acceleration is to: a) decrease force and mass equally b) increase force more than mass c) increase mass d) decrease mass Define motion.
What is c- increase mass?
Why are velocity and forces considered to be vectors?
What is: because they have both size and direction as indicated by the arrows representing them?
Explain and give examples of an energy transfer compared with an energy transformation?
What is energy transfers take place when energy stays in the same form but is passed between different objects. Example: Heat transfer- stove to pan to contents of pan. Energy transformations occur when energy changes into different forms. Example: Fan car- Chemical PE, Mechanical KE, Sound KE, Thermal KE.
What is net force? When two forces act in the same direction on an object, how would you find the net force? When the forces are acting in opposite directions, how would the net force be found?
What is the overall force acting on an object when all forces are combined? What is add the magnitude of the forces? What is find the difference in the magnitude of the forces?
a) What is Newton's First Law? b)The resistance of an object to change motion is called _________________ c)Give an example of this law.
a)What is an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion with the same velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. b) Inertia c) Example?
a)Explain the difference between speed and velocity. b)The rate at which velocity changes is:
a)What is: speed measures how fast position changes; velocity is speed in a specific direction? b)What is acceleration?
How does an object reach terminal velocity?
What is when the force of gravity and the force of air friction are balanced?
Draw and Label an example of energy being transformed from a type of Potential Energy into three forms of Kinetic Energy. Do not use the fan or mousetrap cars as examples!
What is-Use White boards!
Explain the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces.
What is a balanced force has the same effect on an object as no force at all? The motion does not change. Only an unbalanced force can change motion.
a)Describe Newton's Third Law b)If a girl pushes with a force of 75 N on the table, what is the size and direction of the force the table will exert on the girl?
What is a)For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction b) 75N toward the girl
a)Define motion. b)What two variables are needed to calculate speed?
a)What is -A change in position with respect to a reference point. b)Distance and time
When a soccer ball is kicked, the action reaction forces do not cancel each other out because the: A. Force of the foot on the ball is greater than the force of the ball on the foot B. Force of the ball on the foot is greater than the force of the foot on the ball C. Forces act at different times D. Forces act on two different objects
What is D) Forces act on two different objects.
Define Kinetic Energy. Name the type of KE being described: a) any object in motion b) movement of electrical charges c) total energy measured in units of heat d) travels in waves and can travel in a vacuum
What is the energy of motion? a) mechanical b) electrical c) thermal d) electromagnetic e) sound
Describe and give an example of the forces acting on the fan car and the mousetrap car.
What is the fan car had a constant force acting on it which resulted in constant accelertaion? Friction is a force that resists motion. Gravity acts on every object pulling it toward the earth.
A)If the same force acts on two objects, which object will have the greater acceleration, the more massive object or the object with less mass? B) Calculate the mass of an object if it is accelerating at 2m/s2 and the force acting on it is 4N?
What is A) The object with less mass B) M=F/a 4N/2m/s2= 2 kg
A skater is moving at a constant speed. How can she increase her speed? a) Drag her heel stop to increase friction. b) Lean to one side, causing the skates to turn. c) Reduce the force with which she pushes his feet against the ground. d) Increase the force with which he pushes her feet against the ground 2. Which of Newton's Laws best answers this question?
1. What is d- Increase the force with which she pushes her feet against the ground? 2. What is Newton's 2nd Law?
Solve the following problems: 1. What force should Lori apply to a 5kg box it give it an acceleration of 2m/s2? 2. If a 10 N force accelerates an object 5m/s2, how massive is the object? 3. Sue applies a force of 5N to a wagon with a mass of 10kg. What is the wagon's acceleration?
What is 1. F=ma 5kg X 2m/s2= 10N 2. M=F/a 10N/5m/s2= 2kg 3. a= F/m 5N/10kg= 0.5m/s2
Define potential energy. List and briefly describe 5 types of PE.
What is stored energy? What are: Nuclear, Elastic, Electrostatic, Chemical, Magnetic or Gravitational PE?
Describe friction. In the Friction Inquiry, how did the applied force change based on the three variables which were: Surface, Weight, and Surface Area What force was the applied force measuring- A force equal and opposite to the direction the block was being pulled?
What is A force that resists and slows motion Surface- applied force changed based on the surface? Weight- applied force increased as the weight increased? Surface Area- the applied force did not change when the surface area was changed because the weight of the block did not change. The applied force was equal to and opposite of the force of friction.
a)What are the three variables involved in Newton's Second Law? b)What does this law state?
What are a)Force, Mass, Acceleration b) The acceleration of an object increases with increased force and decreases with increased mass The direction in which an object accelerates is in the direction of the force.
a)What do you need to know to calculate acceleration from speed data? ( formula) b)Solve the following problem: A truck increases its speed from 60km/hr to 90km/hr in 15 seconds. What is the truck's acceleration? c) What is the actual acceleration due to gravity or the rate at which all objects fall with no outside forces acting on them?
a)What is final acceleration minus the initial velocity divided by the time? b)90km/hr-60km/hr divided by 15 seconds= 30km/hr/15 seconds= 2 km/hr/sec c) 9.8 m/s/s
List 5 ways that forces can affect motion.
What is -make objects start moving -make objects stop moving - make objects move slower -make objects move faster -change the direction of an object