What is Energy?
What is Energy 2?
Form of Energy
Forms of Energy 2
Energy Transformations
The ability to do work or cause change is called
What is energy
Mechanical Energy is the ______ or total of the potential and kinetic energy in an object.
Food, paper, wood, batteries - these are examples of objects that have stored potential energy in them. What kind of energy?
What is chemical energy
A reaction that occurs when the nuclei of atoms fuse, or join together produces what type of energy?
What is nuclear energy
What energy transformations take place when you use a flash light?
chemical (in the batteries) --> electrical (in the wires) --> light (in the bulb)--> heat (comes from the bulb)
The Law of Conservation of Energy tells us that Energy is not _________________ . It can only be _________ from one kind of energy to another.
created nor destroyed. transformeed
A book sitting on a table has 100J of potential energy; 0% kinetic energy. How much mechanical energy does it have?
If a falling object is on its way down and has 25J of potential energy and its TOTAL energy or Mechanical Energy is 100J. How much kinetic energy does it have?
75 J
Whenever there is friction between the air and an object, the ground an an object, or two objects what kind of energy is produced?
Draw a picture of a pendulum with the ball in the place where it has the greatest kinetic energy.
the string should be straight up and down with the ball at its lowest point.
potential energy is stored energy due to its
position, condition or composition
Potential energy that is related to an object's being able to be stretched or compressed is due to the object's
The type of energy that is formed when particles of solid, liquid or a gas vibrate.
What is sound energy?
Thermal energy is also what type of energy?
What is heat energy
Where would a skateboarder be in the pipe when they have the greatest Potential energy?
At the top on either side.
name the two basic types of energy
What is potential and kinetic
Which has the most potential energy; A 10kg rock that is 10 meters above ground or A 10kg rock that is 5 meters above ground and why?
The 10kg rock that is 10 meters above ground because since they have the same mass, the height determines the potential energy. Since it is higher it has more potential energy.
Energy that travels in wires is
electrical energy
People eat food such as an apple because it possesses what type of energy before its eaten.
What is Chemical Energy
According to this law, energy cannot be created or destroyed
What is law of conservation of energy
Kinetic energy is the energy of
A truck is traveling at 10 miles per hour. A bicycle is traveling at 10 miles per hour. (their speed is the same.) Which has more kinetic energy and why?
The truck because it has more mass than the bicycle.
A type of potential energy called_______ is stored in the nucleus of an atom. It is released during a chemical reaction. where the nucleus is either split or brought together.
What is nuclear energy
1. Another name for light energy or solar energy is 2. Any energy that travels in waves, such as heat, microwaves, ultraviolet light and others is called
1. Radiant energy 2. Electromagnetic energy
When an object is shot, thrown, kicked, fired from a cannon it is projectile. As the projectile A. travels up tell what is happening to the kinetic energy and the potential energy. B. When it reaches the top of the arc, the peak, what happens to the motion and tell me about the energy it has. C. When it is falling what is happening to the kinetic and potential energy
A. kinetic is decreasing; potential is increasing B. The object stops and has 100% PE and 0% KE C. kinetic energy is increasing; Potential is decreasing