Powerful Plants
It’s Hot in Here
Transformation Station
Climate Catastrophe
Solution City

What is the transfer of energy that takes place in photosynthesis? 

light —-> chemical 

What happens to the molecules in an iron rod (solid), when we add heat? 

They gain energy, vibrate, and collide


What is the energy transfer in a solar powered water heater? 

Solar —-> electrical —-> thermal


Which greenhouse gas is the most abundant in our atmosphere (due to human activity). 



What does carbon capture and storage mean? 

When we burn fossil fuels, we catch the CO2 before it goes into the atmosphere, and send it back down into the earth for storage. 


What are the inputs in photosynthesis?

CO2, light, H2O


Which is the better thermal conductor: a metal camping cup, or a styrofoam cup?

Metal camping cup, the molecules move faster so the cup gets hotter.


What is the first law of thermodynamics? 

Energy is never created or destroyed, only transformed from one form into another. 


Name 3 negative effects of climate change. 

Extreme heat waves, more wildfires, more flooding and storms, hurricanes, loss of species, sea level rise, melting ice caps, ocean warming, ocean acidification, etc. 


Name 2 reasons forest storage is a great solution for battling climate change. 

Creates habitats for species, trees produce a lot of the world's oxygen, its cheap, aesthetically pleasing, influences tourism, shade creates cooler temperatures on the ground 


What is the product of photosynthesis that contains the energy?



What is an example of convection we have seen in this class? 

Boiling water, mantle movement, hot air balloon, lava lamp 


What is the energy in your body (from food)? Where did your food get its energy from? 

My body contains chemical energy, my food got energy from the sun through photosynthesis. 


What is the greenhouse gas effect? 

Describes how certain gases in the atmosphere trap thermal heat and keep it from escaping, warming our planet


What is the major benefit of nuclear powered electricity? What is the major challenge? 

Nuclear energy produces no CO2, but it produces radioactive waste that is toxic and dangerous. 


Why does planting more trees help counteract climate change? 

Plants absorb CO2 form the atmosphere through photosynthesis. 


I live in the desert and it gets to be over 100F in the summers. Should I paint my roof black or white to keep cool? Why?

White, because it reflects more thermal radiation away from your house, keeping it cooler. 


We pushed a ball down a ramp, and around a loop. Did the ball return to it’s original height? Why or why not?

No, because some energy was lost as heat as it went down the ramp and around the loop. 


Who emits the most GHGs: developing or industrialized countries? Who is most effected by climate change: developing or industrialized countries?

Industrialized countries emit the most GHGs, but developing countries are most effected by climate change. 


How can we decrease carbon emissions in the transportation sector? 

Increase automobile efficiency (form 30 mpg to 60 mpg), reduce the miles people travel (more buses, trains, incentives for bike riding, etc.) 

How is ATP like a battery? 

ATP is “charged” with energy from light, and then is “depleted” when it gives the energy to glucose. 


What is temperature?

A measure of the kinetic movement of the molecules


We pushed down spring monsters, and watched them pop up into the air. At what points did the monsters have the most potential energy? What types of potential energy were there? 

It had high “elastic“ potential energy when it was squished down, and it has high “gravitational“ potential energy when it was high in the air. 


How do humans cause climate change? 

Humans burn fossil fuels for fuel, electricity, and production. Burning fossil fuels emits CO2, which is a greenhouse gas. This causes a change in climate (global warming). 


Why are developing countries more impacted by climate change? (you can use countries in Africa as an example) 

Most of Africa is a desert, meaning when they have heat waves and droughts, they are more intense. Africa doesn't have the infrastructure (or funds) to recover from major storms, droughts, and heat waves.