Gas. Coal. Oil. Hydropower
Clean Air
Saving Money on the Electric Bill
Global Warming
True or False: Solar Power Energy can help reduce pollution.
What is True
Natural Gas is used for two main things for our homes:
Heating and Producing Electricity
Name two sources of air pollution
cars power plants
Give two reasons why using less electricity is important
save money less pollution produced
True or False: The majority of scientist agree that global warming is due to human caused activity.
What is True
Wind Power is considered ever-lasting. This form of energy for electricity is considered what?
What is renewable
Coal power plants produce two of these types of gases:
What is carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
What is the name of the gas that humans breathe out?
What is carbon dioxide
This word is the measurement to electricity?
What is a kilowatt
According the the video, if the world becomes warmer, the oceans will rise. What will happen to places near the sea?
They will flood.
Some homes that have solar panels have a lot of energy stored. What can be done with this extra energy?
It can be sold to the power company.
If almost half of the United States electricity comes from coal, then it is true that there is a lot of air pollution being created. Air pollution can lead to this childhood sickness often experienced by many students.
What is asthma
What wonderful gas do plants such as trees produce for us?
What is oxygen
Electricity is very important to our lives. Give 2 reasons why electricity is extremely important.
Lights Can keep our food cool Powers our devices
Name two contributing factors that are human causes to the rise of temperatures. Two things that humans are doing that are making the temperature rise.
- Deforestation - Cars - Power plants - eating beef
With wind power what is the name of the machinery that spins to help produce energy
What is a turbine
This energy resource powers our cars and in some cases electrify to our homes.
What is oil
Give two reasons why the air in our classrooms might not be as good as it could be
lack of windows that open (fresh air) old building mold
What uses more energy? A television set or a air conditioner?
What is air conditioner
As there are many scientists that study climate change such as oceanographers, geologists, geophysicists and biologist. Scientist that exclusively study climate change are known as..
What are climatologists.
Why would using renewable energy sources like wind and solar panel help reduce air pollution?
Because we will use less fossil fuels to produce electricity.
Explain correctly how hydropower works
water from the lake or stream drains into pipes that lead to turbine generators that spin.
Areas with lots and lots of trees are known to supply a lot of oxygen for the planet and in many cases loads of rain water, thousands of animal and plant species. These areas can be found in tropical places and also exist in cooler climates such as an area in Northern California.
What is rain forest
In the late 1800's this inventor helped propel use of electricity across the United States when he successfully created the light bulb.
Who is Thomas Edison
This area can be reached at the tip of south america. It is often studied for the signs of global warming because large amounts of ice are melting and fallen into the ocean. These large ice have a name and so does this large mass of land.
What are glaciers and what is Antarctica.