Types of Energy (1)
Types of Energy (2)
Transformation (1)
Kinetic + Potential
Transformation (2)

This type of energy comes from the sun.

Solar energy


What is the law of conservation of energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is always conserved. 


This energy transformation occurs when you use a lamp.

Electrical --> light energy


A child is pushing a cart across the floor, and the cart moves at a certain speed. When he pushes the cart with a greater force, the cart begins to move faster.

Which type of energy increases when the child applies a greater force? 

Kinetic Energy


What is the energy transformation of using a hair dryer?

Electrical to sound and thermal energy


This type of energy is stored in chemical bonds.

Chemical energy


This type of energy is a kind of kinetic energy with the ability to make types of light visible to human eyes 

Light energy


The image shows a solar panel installed on the roof of a home.

What type of energy conversions does this demonstrate?

solar to chemical to electrical


This type of energy is stored energy that depends upon the relative position of various parts of a system. 

Potential energy
Burning a candle.

Chemical → Thermal and light


Which type of energy is the energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position?

Mechanical energy


This type of energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom.

Nuclear energy


a ball resting on the top of a hill then starts to roll down the hill

potential --> kinetic


What type of energy is increases as a roller coaster goes up a hill?

Potential energy


What is energy transformation that occurs in a electrical pencil sharpener?

electrical --> sound and mechanical energy


Which type of energy is increased as an object is raised above the ground?

Gravitational Potential Energy


This type of energy comes from the following sources: entire electromagnetic radiation spectrum, including gamma rays, x-rays, radio frequencies, microwaves, light and heat. 

Radiant energy


A violinist pulls a bow across the strings of her violin. Which best describes the how energy changes as the musician plays the violin?

kinetic to sound energy


Examine the diagram of the movement of a cart with four positions (W, X, Y, and Z) labeled, as shown. 

At which position (letter) will the cart have the greatest amount of kinetic energy?



describe the energy for using a bow and arrow

elastic --> kinetic energy


A student takes a rubber band and slowly stretches it between his two fingers.

What form of energy does the stretched rubber band contain?

Elastic Potential Energy


Energy that moves through circuit wires

Electrical energy


Patrick is working with a corded drill. He observes that when he presses the trigger, the drill bit rotates and helps to drill a hole in the wall.

Which energy transformation is taking place in this process?

Electrical energy to mechanical energy


Examine the diagram of the movement of a cart with four positions (W, X, Y, and Z) labeled, as shown. 

At which position (letter) will the cart have the same amount of potential and kinetic energy?

W and Y


Flowers and other plants use the Sun to produce food in a process known as photosynthesis. What is the energy transformation?

solar  --> chemical energy