It's About Time
Big Impressions
What's in a Name

Look for this label when shopping for home appliances.

What is the Energy Star label?


This month is named as National Energy Awareness Month.

What is October?


This renewable energy source stands heads and shoulders above even the Statue of Liberty, and she's taller than 300 feet.

What is a wind turbine? The average size of a U.S. onshore wind turbine measures 466 feet tall.


This refers to the adult female of various mammals, as well as a federal agency.

What is the Department of Energy (DOE)?


Using this will cut a wash load's energy use in half.

What is cold water?


This type of light bulb uses less energy, lasts longer, and produces less heat.

What is a Compact Florescent Light?


You should change these every 30 to 90 days. About as long as it takes to form a habit.

What is change home air filters?


This renewable energy source has a farm installation in California that makes Cowboy Stadium's Jumbotron, the largest in the NFL, look like the screen on your grandmother's flip-phone.  

What are solar panels? The Solar Star, America’s largest solar farm, consists of 1.7 million solar panels spread out over 3,200 acres. For context, that’s about the size of 142 football fields–or 4 times the size of Central Park.


This agency regulates the oil and gas industry, gas utilities, and pipeline safety in Texas. It's name, however, might stop you in your tracks. 

What is the Railroad Commission of Texas?


When purchasing insulation, use this as a guide for the insulating effectiveness; the higher, the better.

What is the R-value?


The direction ceiling fans should move to direct air upward.

What is clockwise?


The month that Thomas Edison filed a patent for an electric lamp with a carbon filament.

What is November?


It's not the largest hydroelectric dam in the U.S., but at the time it was built, it stood as the largest concrete structure built at 1,244 feet long, 726 feet high, and 660 feet thick at its base.

What is the Hoover Dam?


After the 1920s, this generally became known as the science of energy transformations.

What is thermodynamics?


Using these will cut drying time in a clothes dryer.

What are wool or rubber dryer balls?


Not a nighttime villain, but it does suck up energy when electronics are in sleep mode.

What's called Vampire Loads?


In 1977, President Carter turned this federal agency "on."

What is the Department of Energy?


Today, if we were to connect all the pipelines used for this energy source,  they would stretch to the moon and back almost three times!

What is natural gas pipelines?


This may seem elementary my dear Wat-son, but this man is actually credited to having the unit of power, the watt, named after him.

Who is James Watt?


Try to keep it clean here and run the dishwasher or washing machine during this time of day.

What is after 7 p.m.?


This star's staying power comes from a process known as nuclear fusion.

What is the sun?


This travels at the speed of light, which is a source for turning on the lights.

What is electricity?


This can travel around 130,000 miles per hour and reach nearly 54,000 °F in temperature.

What is lightning?


A person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds, is known by this same name as a maximum efficiency rating.

What is a seer?


Throwing some "shade" on this, or using a tree to block the sunlight, can help increase its efficiency by as much as 10 percent.  

What is an air-conditioning unit?