Kinetic & Potential Energy
Total Mechanical Energy

"Energy cannot be created or distroyed, but can be transformed into different forms of energy in a closed system."

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?


This is the GPE of a 13Kg vase on a shelf 2m above the floor.

What is 254.8J?


This is what all of a cart's GPE will turn into if it comes in contact with a block of wood at the bottom of a ramp and pushes that block of wood until it stops.

What is WORK?


This is the unit of WORK?

What is a Joule?


This is the deciding factor between which person has more power if they are both doing the same work.

What is TIME to do the work?


When this is present, some of the Kinetic Energy can be changed into Heat (thermal energy).

What is Friction?


In a closed system (with no friction), this is another way to describe the change in Gravitational Potential Energy.

What is Kinetic Energy?

These are the components of TME for an object that is above zero, moving and pushing another object.

What are GPE, KE and WORK?

This is the direction that a force must be applied in order for us to properly calculate WORK?

What is the direction of the displacement?


This is how much power you will have if you are able to lift 20Kg over a distance of 2 meters in 42 seconds.

What is 9.3 Watts?


This is how much more Gravitational Potential Energy a 200Kg crate has versus a 100Kg crate if they are both at the same elevation from the ground.

What is DOUBLE?


This is the Potential Energy of a 20Kg rock that started at the top of a 10m hill (at rest) and rolled to 5m.

What is 980J?


This is the TME of a wheel that is 3Kg that is located 2 vertical meters above ground level rolling down a hill with an initial velocity of 1.5m/s?

What is 58.8J + 3.4J = 62.2J?

This is how much work you have done if you have a mass of 62Kg and climb a ladder 2m vertically.

What is 1215.2J?


This is how long it took you to push a boken down car by applying 1200N for a distance of 13m resulting in 130 Watts of power?

What is 2 minutes or 120 seconds?


This is how much more Kinetic Energy a 300Kg cart has than a 100Kg cart if they are both traveling at the same velocity.

What is TRIPLE?


This is the Kinetic Energy of a 20Kg rock that started at the top of a 10m hill (at rest) and rolled to 5m.

What is 980J?


This is the velocity of a 4,000Kg rollercoaster that has a TME of 5,000,000J when it is at the very bottom of the track (h=0M)?

What is 50m/s?


This is how far you have lifted a 10Kg box if you did 117.6J of WORK.

What is 1.2 meters?


This is how much power you have if you can do 20 curls in which you move 10Kg a distance of .5m in 98 seconds.

What is 10 Watts?


This is how much more Kinetic Energy a 200Kg cart that is traveling 10m/s will have versus a 200Kg cart that is travleing at 20m/s?

What is QUADRUPLED (4X)?


This is the velocity of a 20Kg rock that started at the top of a 10m hill (at rest) and rolled to 5m.

What is 9.9m/s?


This is the velocity of a 4,000Kg rollercoaster that has a TME of 5,000,000J when it is half way to the bottom of the track?

What is 35.4m/s?


A 70Kg cart rolls down a ramp from a starting height of 5m and collides with a stationary block of ice at the bottom.  If it slides the block of ice 12 meters before stopping, how much FORCE did it apply?

What is 285.8 Newtons?


A windmill takes 24 seconds to spin around once, with a circumference (d) of 12m from a wind that applies a force of 1000N.  How many 100 Watt bulbs will it light?

What is 5?