Potential Energy
Gravitational Energy
Mechanical Energy
What is the formula for Potential Energy?
PE=force x distance
what is kenetic energy
Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it possesses because of its motion.
Give an example of gravitational potential energy
When an apple is on a tree and it just stays there it produces potential energy. When the apple drops, the energy is released on the gravitational field.
what other energy forces does mechanical energy include?
Mechanical energy is the sum of energy in a mechanical system. This energy includes both kinetic energy, the energy of motion, and potential energy,the stored energy of position.
true or false? Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object as the result of its vertical position or height
what is the difference between potential energy and kenetic energy
kinetic energy is an energy thats in motion.An example for potential energy is an rubber band being stretched out. when you let go of that ruber band it then becomes kinetic energy. Everything in the world has potential and kinetic energy. the only way a non living thing could have kenetic energy is if the object is moved by something.
What are the factors that affect the kinetic energy of an object?
Mass and sqaure of the velocity.
when does gravitational energy occur?
Gravitational energy is when something is moving only because of the force of gravity acting on it. for example, if you let go of a brick, it moves because of gravitational energy.
give an example of what mechanical energy is
an example of mechanical energy is when you hit a nail with a hammer, because the energy from the hammer gets transfered to the nail. another example is throwing a bowling ball at bowling pins which cause them to fall over or your legs pedaling on pegs of a bike.
what is the most convenient form in which to store energy
the most convenient form in which to store energy is chemical energy
what unit is energy measured in?
all energy is measured in joules.
what is the formula for kinetic energy?
KE= mass x velocity over 2
What is the Difference between Kinetic Energy and Gravitational Potential Energy?
Kinetic energy is energy of motion. If an object is moving, it has kinetic energy. Gravitational potential energy is energy due to the gravitational interaction of two or more objects. If there is a change in height between the objects, there's a change in potential energy.
what is mechanical energy?
mechanical energy is the energy associated with movement. mechanical energy could also be defined as the ability to do work.
What is The Law of Conservation of Energy?
The law of conservation of energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. so the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant.
Consider a ball thrown straight up in the air. At what position is its kinetic energy a maximum? Where is its gravitational potential energy a maximum?
When you throw a ball up into the air its kinetic energy decreases and becomes less with time until all of its kinetic energy has been converted to potential energy. kinetic energy of the ball is at its highest at the second the ball is thrown and also at the second before the ball hits the ground The potential energy of the ball is proportional to its height. when the ball is at its maximum height above the earth, it also has its maximum potential energy.
true or false? True or False: A pendulum has maximum kinetic energy at the bottom of its swing.
That's true, it's bottom. going bottom to top, its slowing down and going top to bottom, its speeding up and kinetic energy is like movement energy, so wherever it's moving fastest, that's the most kinetic energy.
When a ball is dropped, and bounces what other energy forms is this gravitational energy turned into?
Gravitational potential energy is turned into kinetic energy as the ball falls.
what does mechanical energy lack?
Mechanical energy is constant in a system that has only gravitational forces, which means it lacks dissipative forces, such as friction and air resistance.
How is potential energy used to generate electricity in a hydroelectric power plant?
As the water falls it gains more and more kinetic energy. the water passes through huge turbines and it makes the turbines spin. It's the spinning of the turbines that generates electricity. The kinetic energy of the water is converted to electricity.
an icecube is 5 kilometer above ground with a force of 200 newtons what is its PE?
PE= 1000
Does kinetic energy occur only when there is a constant acceleration?
kinetic energy only occurs when there is velocity. when the velocity of an object is at absolute zero that is when there is no energy.
what does gravitational potential energy depend on?
The amount of gravitational potential energy that an object possesses depends on the object’s mass or weight, its height above the surface, and the strength of the field of gravity. A heavy object will have more gravitational potential energy than a lighter object.
If something is not in motion, can it still possess mechanical energy?
Energy= the ability to move something, so if a boulder is on top of a mountain it has to have energy or else it wouldn't be able to move you when the wind blows the boulder towards you, this type of energy is called potential energy, kinetic energy is the opposite of potential energy, it is the energy that moving objects have. potential energy + kinetic energy=mechanical energy. also everything has energy wether it is moving or not
what is potential energy in detail?
Potential energy is the ability for an object to do work in the future. The easiest explanation is that when you place a bowling ball on the floor it has no potential energy but if you place it on a high shelf over a cartoon writer's head you have lots and lots of potential.