-Sunlight, wind and uranium can be replaced.
-Sunlight, wind and BIOMASS (for example) can be replaced.
Combustibles fósiles
Match the energy type to its source.
a)Kinetic 1)wind
b)sound 2)petrol in a car
c)light 3)the sun
d)chemical 4)a violin
Uranium is non-renewable and there is very little left on the planet.
There is A LOT left on the planet.
Plant kingdom, animals kingdom, monera kingdom, protist kingdom and fungus kingdom.
-Chemical energy
-Electrical energy
-Thermal energy
-Light energy
Possible solutions
-Petrol in a car, a fire.-Computer, Christmas lights
-The sun, a heater or stove.
-Light bulbs, a torch.
Sound is the fastest form of energy.
Light is the fastest form of energy.
Geothermal - limited to certain areas
Wind - can kill birds
Water - dams can damage habitats
Biomass - burning biomass causes air pollution.
Renewable: these sources can be replaced. for example, water or wind.
Non-renewable: these sources are limited on Earth. For example, coal.
:) Good job and good luck for the exam, you can do it!!