Mail Outs
Energy Appointments
Bus Tickets
Request Log
Financial Assistance/Food Enrollment

Who will receive a energy mail out application?

Client who is on fix income (SSI & SSA), only have 2 adults in the household. 


When will Energy Appointments be available?

 We don’t have a specific date yet, but we typically open scheduling in late October or early November, depending on the progress of mail-outs and certification applications.


Where can the client request bus tickets?

At the front desk, in person.


How can a client request financial assistance?


Submitting a form online(email)

Coming into the center


When do center managers perform the random drawing?  

First week of the month.


If you receive a call from a client requesting a mail-out packet, can we provide one to them?

No, they will need to wait to schedule an appointment.


Who qualifies for an Energy Emergency appointment starting October 1st?

- Completely disconnected

- Received a shut-off notice (urgent notices only; late notices do not qualify)

- Final notice for Seattle City Light (SCL) clients

- Less than a 10-day supply of oil, wood, or propane


How many bus tickets can a client receive every 3 months?

8 Bus Tickets per client.


How do you search for a client in the request log?

1. Date of birth

2. Last name

3. First name


What options can clients choose from to enroll in the food market? 

1.Phone appointment

2. Online application

3. In-person enrollment on Wednesdays or Thursdays when SRS's are at the center.


What should you do if you receive a mail out packet in your center?

Interoffice to Energy at Redmond


When will we have Energy appointments?

We do not have a set date yet. Depends on where Energy is with processing Mail outs and 2yrs cert applications. Could be last week of Oct or first week of Nov.


What type of service do you use to enter the bus ticket into CaseWorthy?

Unenrolled services


Can a client who has received $3,000 or two rounds of financial assistance in the past year be added to the Request Log?

NO, eligible clients cannot receive more than $3,000 or two rounds of assistance in the last 12 months.



When doing a food re-enrollment, what are four things you need to confirm with the client?

1. Household members must be verified

2. Client contact information confirmed,

3. New financial self-declare information 

4. TEFAP form needs to be uploaded. A client ROI needs to be completed if there is not one already in the database.


If we have a client on the mail-out list who had an address change, we need to take the following steps:

1.Collect client name

2. Obtain New address 

3.Phone number 

4. Reach out to the Energy Supervisor at your center.


What options are available for clients to apply for energy assistance this season?

- Hopelink website.

- Schedule a phone appointment by calling the Hopelink Energy line.

- Starting October 1st, clients can apply for PSE HELP by calling PSE directly or visiting


What details should we include in Case Notes when issuing a bus ticket?  

1. Issued Amount

2. # of Tickets w/ Serial number


Issued $22.50 in bus tickets. 

6 tickets @ $2.75 = $16.50 Serial #HS01234 

4 tickets @ $1.50 = $6.00 2 @ Serial #HS01233 and 2 @ Serial #HS01232 

Save the Case Notes


What steps should you take to verify if a client has received financial assistance in the last 12 months?

  1.  Begin by checking the request log to see if "FRP Received" is noted for the client, along with any relevant details such as the approval date and amount.  

  1. If the log does not indicate that a client has received financial assistance, conduct a search in CaseWorthy; by last name and first name.


How often do clients need to renew their food enrollment?

Every 12 months


When will the mail-out packets be processed?

Starting October 1st, based on when we received them.


Who should you send client information to for a disconnection notice, and what details are required?

Send it to the Energy ER Appt Group on Teams.

1. Client name

2. Phone number

3. Type of disconnection utility service

4. Zip code 


Does the client need to be in our database to receive bus tickets? Do they need to be enrolled in any of our services?

They do need to be in our database and they do not need to be enrolled in any of our services.


How do you determine a client's eligibility for financial assistance?

1. Client zip code (service area)

2. Ensure the correct spelling of their name and verify their birthdate.

3. Search the FA Request Log to verify whether the client has already been added to the log.

4. Verify if the client has already received financial assistance in the last 12 months. 


What information should be included in the calendar hold when scheduling a Food enrollment phone appointment?

1.Replace "FR Phone" with the client's full name and phone number. 

2.In the notes, add language support needed, the Family ID (if available), and household size. 

3. If the household size is 5 or more, the CRS will coordinate with the specialist for more time.