Your paper in MLA format
Mixed Bag (Could be anything)
Figurative Language/Literary Devices in Poems
Literary Devices

What font AND font size is standard for MLA format?

100 points for each answer

Times New Roman, 12 pt


What is the purpose of an informational text?

To inform an audience


If something is explicit it is: 

If something is implicit it is:

50 points per correct answer

Clearly stated, direct

Not obvious, not as clear


Who is "speaking" to us in a poem or song? 

The speaker

What type of irony uses specific words and soemtimes involves sarcasm?

Verbal, dramatic, or situational

Verbal irony


What type of spacing does MLA format use?

Double spacing

How many points does a thesis statement usually have?

2-3 points


What is an inference?

-A conclusion we make when details are unclear

-Indirect characterization 


What type of figurative language is this?

"The sun smiled down on the vibrant meadow, casting its warm embrace over the blooming flowers." 

How do you know?

100 points for each answer


The sun is smiling, giving it human-like qualities


True or false:

A word or phrase can have multiple connotations, or meanings a person brings to a word.



-What should you do to the first paragraph of every sentence? (This is obvious but is also MLA format!)

-What button do you use to make this adjustment?

Each correct answer is 150 points! 


-Tab button


What is dialogue in a story?

(We did not go over this, but may be obvious!)

Conversation between characters; spoken words in a text


What type of characterization asks us to make inferences?

Indirect characterization


1) What type of figurative language is this?

"Shine bright like a diamond"

2) What two things are being compared?

150 points per correct answer

- A simile

- The way something should shine or exude energy TO a diamond


What type of irony is this

(verbal, situational, or dramatic) and why?

"A person saves money for months to buy a new smartphone, but on the day they purchase it, the phone goes on sale for half the price."

200 points for each answer


The opposite of what a person expects or intends happens


What does MLA format stand for?

Modern Language Association


"The use of technology in the classroom positively impacts student learning by enhancing engagement, facilitating access to information, and fostering collaboration."

Based on the above thesis statement, what is the second thing the author will discuss in their paper?

facilitating access to information 


What type of characterization is this, and how do you know?

"Jack was a young boy of average height. He had dimples you could nearly stick a penny in, and red hair that lit up a room like fire."

-Direct characterization 

-It gives explicit details from the text


1) What type of figurative language is the below sentence an example of? (200)

"Her voice is music to my ears." 

2) What two things are being compared? (100)

3) Does this use of figurative language evoke a negative or positive connotation? (100)


The girl's voice to music



Authors and poets choose words purposefully and for a reason. 

Analyzing an author or poet's word choice uses the literary device known as: 



What is EVERYTHING listed in the top left header in a paper written in MLA format?

400 points - all content

100 points - in correct order

Your name

Teacher's name


Due date of paper


What should authors use to support a claim they make?

Credible evidence


"As the captain blew the whistle, Alex sprinted ahead of everyone else, determined to cross the finish line first. With every stride, a look of fierce determination etched across his face."

What are at least THREE things you can infer about Alex based on these sentences?

- He is competitive

- He is a hard worker

- He is athletic

- He is good at track and enjoys it


The type of language that goes beyond the LITERAL meaning of words or phrases; it conveys a deeper meaning or more vivid understanding of an idea.

Poets and authors use this type of language

Figurative Language 


Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" references, or alludes to, Romeo and Juliet. What is this an example of?
