of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person
what is psychological?
always in quotation marks
what is magazine? What is author's words?
How to discern the way in which the author presents information in order to the persuasive
what is rhetorical situation?
This relates to the thesis because…. (template)
what is explicit statement of the paragraph’s relationship to thesis?
This writer wrote and helped produced jaws
what is Peter Benchley?
always in italics
what is movie title? what is book title?
the he/she of the text
what is author?
The component tells the reader what the quote means, explains why the support is important and how the support relates to the evidence, the template is this matters because….
what is analysis of textual evidence?
sharks are not looking to harm us, jaws caused fear from people which caused sharks to become harmed
what is key points?
formatting used in essays
what is MLA?
the author is trying to persuade the ____
what is audience?
This component connects paragraph to the thesis, sets up the argument/purpose for the paragraph, and the argument is not questions or facts
what is argument topic sentence?
the word for extremely small
ex: lambert 1 goes in LEFT corner
what is no?
when/where was text was published
what is context?
the component uses evidence that supports the argument in the topic sentence, use must use quotation marks, (00:00:01-00:00:50) – how to quote videos. Hours: minutes: seconds
what is textual evidence?
another word for the main idea
what is over-arching argument?
evidence for the assignment always should be in MLA
what is yes?
rhetorical strategies are used to be persuasive
what is message?
it is best to organize ideas in order to group like ones together; they create emphasis on the most important ideas; they think through complex ideas and theories, and paragraphs keep readers on track with the writer.
what is paragraph development?