Literary Word Choice
Literary Text Evidence
Story Elements
Literary Term or Device/Vocab
Mixed Bag

What is the definition of tone?

A. the writer's attitude toward a subject

B. a feeling a word evokes

C. the dictionary definition of a word

D. a specific approach to developing characters

A. the writer's attitude toward a subject


Which answer choice accurately defines the meaning of the word inference?

A. a stated detail used to develop a character

B. a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning

C. information that supports an idea or analysis

D. information that is directly stated

B. a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning


What answer choice best describes a well-developed character?

A. A well-developed character is one who frequently appears during a story.

B. A well-developed character is one who avoids conflict.

C. A well-developed character is one who stays the same throughout a story.

D. A well-developed character is one who changes over the course of the story.

D. A well-developed character is one who changes over the course of the story.


Which of the following sentences best illustrates the use of a metaphor?

A) "His words were like daggers, sharp and cutting."
B) "Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs."
C) "She danced as gracefully as a swan."
D) "The leaves rustled in the wind like whispering secrets."

B) "Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs."

Explanation: In this sentence, "life" is directly compared to a rollercoaster, suggesting the unpredictable and dynamic nature of life, without using "like" or "as," which is a characteristic of a metaphor.


Why is the theme of a literary work important? Select the two correct answers.

A. It contributes to conflict resolution.

B. It acts as a central or unifying idea. 

C. It is specific to one culture or time period.

D. It gives the text its meaning. 

E. It contrasts explicit and intended messages.

B. It acts as a central or unifying idea. 

D. It gives the text its meaning.


Which of the following sentences best illustrates the difference between connotation and denotation?

A) "The word 'snake' denotes a reptile, but its connotation often suggests deceit or danger."

B) "The word 'rose' denotes a type of flower, and its connotation often symbolizes love or romance."

C) "The word 'child' denotes a young person, while its connotation can suggest innocence or naivety."

E) A and C

D) All of the above.

D) All of the above.

Each sentence demonstrates the difference between denotation (the literal definition of a word) and connotation (the emotions or ideas that are associated with the word).


Why would an author write a story with an unreliable narrator?

A. to tell the story from a credible point of view

B. to provide the reader with a clear moral to the story

C. to provide the reader with only explicit details

D. to create effects such as suspense, tension, or humor

D. to create effects such as suspense, tension, or humor


Use the paragraph from “The Sisters” byJames Joyce to answer the question.

He began to puff at his pipe, no doubt arranging his opinion in his mind. Tiresome old fool! When we knew him first he used to be rather interesting, talking of faints and worms; but I soon grew tired of him and his endless stories about the distillery.

What do the details in this paragraph reveal about the narrator’s personality?

A. The narrator is kind and considerate.

B. The narrator is opinionated and biased.

C. The narrator is all knowing and omniscient.

D. The narrator is patient and understanding.

B. The narrator is opinionated and biased.


Which of the following sentences best illustrates an example of a flashback?

A) "As she walked through the old neighborhood, memories of her childhood flooded back, reminding her of the summers spent playing in the sun."
B) "The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape."
C) "He glanced at his watch and realized he was late for the meeting."
D) "With every step, she felt the weight of her decision pressing down on her."

A) "As she walked through the old neighborhood, memories of her childhood flooded back, reminding her of the summers spent playing in the sun."

This sentence uses a flashback by referencing the character's memories of her childhood, taking the reader back to a previous time in her life. Flashbacks often provide context or insight into a character’s current emotions or actions.


I can be cracked, made, told, and played.
In classrooms and theaters, I'm often displayed.
I bring laughter or tears, sometimes both in one go.

What am I?

A joke.


Use this excerpt from "Araby" by James Joyce to answer the question.

I took my seat in a third-class carriage of a deserted train. After an intolerable delay the train moved out of the station slowly. It crept onward among ruinous houses and over the twinkling river.

Which words used in this excerpt have a negative connotation?

Select TWO correct answers:

A. onward

B. slowly

C. intolerable

D. twinkling


C. intolerable and D. ruinous


Which of the following sentences uses an inference statement?

A) "The room was filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies, making everyone feel at home."

B) "She looked out the window, watching the rain pour down and the streets become slick with water."

C) "He slammed the door and walked away, clearly frustrated with the conversation."

D) "The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the lawn."

C) "He slammed the door and walked away, clearly frustrated with the conversation."

This sentence uses an inference statement because it implies the man's frustration through his actions (slamming the door and walking away) without explicitly stating that he is frustrated. The reader must interpret his behavior to understand his emotional state.


Which of the following sentences best illustrates the setting of a story?

A) "As the clock struck midnight, she felt a chill run down her spine."

B) "The old mansion stood on a hill, its windows dark and foreboding against the night sky."

C) "He realized that trusting her was a mistake he might never recover from."

D) "With a determined look, she vowed to change her life for the better."

B) "The old mansion stood on a hill, its windows dark and foreboding against the night sky."

This sentence describes the setting by providing details about the location (the old mansion) and the atmosphere (dark and foreboding night sky), which establishes the context for the story. The other options focus on character emotions or actions rather than the setting.


Use the passage from "The Minister's Black Veil" to answer the question.              

"But what if the world will not believe that it is the type of an innocent sorrow?" urged Elizabeth. "Beloved and respected as you are, there may be whispers that you hide your face under the consciousness of secret sin. For the ake of your holy office do away this scandal."

How is understatement used in this paragraph?

A. Elizabeth's description of the black veil as an "innocent sorrow" is an example of understatement.

B. Elizabeth's description of the minister's role in the congregation as a "holy office" is an example of understatement.

C. Elizabeth's use of the word "scandal" to describe the minister's actions is an example of understatement.

D. Elizabeth's use of the word "whispers" to describe the congregation's assumptions about the black veil is an example of understatement.

D. Elizabeth's use of the word "whispers" to describe the congregation's assumptions about the black veil is an example of understatement.


I can fly without wings, I can cry without eyes.
Whenever I go, darkness flies.

What am I?

A cloud.


Which term would be used to describe the rights that U.S. citizens have when they are arrested and accused of committing crimes?

A. habeaas corpus

B. avant-garde

C. persona non grade

D. laissez-faire

A. habeas corpus. 

This legal principle safeguards individual rights by ensuring that a person who is arrested has the right to be brought before a court to determine if their detention is lawful. It protects citizens from unlawful imprisonment and guarantees their right to a fair trial. The other options do not relate to the rights of individuals when arrested.


Which of the following sentences contains an explicit statement?

A) "It seemed as though the team was destined to win, given their hard work and dedication."

B) "The project deadline is Friday at 5 PM, and all submissions must be completed by then."

C) "The clouds hinted at an approaching storm, darkening the sky with a quiet intensity."

D) "She probably missed the bus because she wasn’t at the meeting."

B) "The project deadline is Friday at 5 PM, and all submissions must be completed by then."

Explanation: An explicit statement is direct, clear, and leaves no room for interpretation. Option B is explicit because it provides a specific fact (the deadline and requirement), while the other sentences rely on implications, suggestions, or assumptions.


Use the passage below to answer the question.

The Wrong House by Guy de Maupassant

Pere Varajou, formerly a horticulturist at Angers, but now retired from business, had closed his purse strings to his scapegrace son and had hardly seen him for two years. His daughter had married Padoie, a former treasury clerk, who had just been appointed tax collector at Vannes.

How did the author use comparisons to develop the characters in this paragraph?

A. The author hints that Varajou has a close relationship with his children.

B. The author uses flashback to hint at problems the characters have had in the past.

C. The author describes the characters and their relation to money.

D. The author foreshadows an issue that Varajou will one day have with his son-in-law.

C. The author describes the characters and their relation to money.


Which two sentences best illustrate the difference between explicit and implicit statements?

A) "The sign says 'No Parking' between 8 AM and 6 PM."

B) "He didn’t attend the meeting, so I assume he forgot about it."

C) "The safety manual clearly outlines the procedures for emergency evacuation."

D) "The way she kept checking her watch made it obvious she was in a hurry."

E) "The recipe explicitly calls for 2 cups of sugar."

B) "He didn’t attend the meeting, so I assume he forgot about it." (Implicit)
A) "The sign says 'No Parking' between 8 AM and 6 PM." (Explicit)


  • Explicit statements are clear and direct. Option A explicitly states a parking restriction, leaving no room for interpretation.
  • Implicit statements are suggested or implied without being directly stated. Option B implies the person forgot, but this is not explicitly stated.

Use the paragraph from "The Minister's Black Veil" below to answer the question.

“But what if the world will not believe that it is the type of an innocent sorrow?” urged Elizabeth.“Beloved and respected as you are, there may bewhispers that you hide your face under the consciousness of secret sin. For the sake of your holy office do away this scandal.”

How is understatement used in this paragraph?

A. Elizabeth’s description of the black veil as an “innocent sorrow” is an example of understatement.

B. Elizabeth’s description of the minister’s role in the congregation as a “holy office” is an example of understatement.

C. Elizabeth’s use of the word “scandal” to describe the minister’s actions is an example of understatement.

D. Elizabeth’s use of the word “whispers” to describe the congregation’s assumptions about the black veil is an example of understatement.

D. Elizabeth’s use of the word “whispers” to describe the congregation’s assumptions about the black veil is an example of understatement.


Which of the following sentences best demonstrates the author’s use of language to convey a specific tone?

A) "The storm raged outside, howling winds rattling the windows as the thunder roared."

B) "She strolled gracefully through the gallery, admiring each painting with a thoughtful gaze."

C) "The decrepit house loomed in the distance, its crumbling facade telling tales of neglect."

D) "The athlete displayed remarkable agility, swiftly outmaneuvering his opponents on the field."

C) "The decrepit house loomed in the distance, its crumbling facade telling tales of neglect."

This sentence uses specific language ("decrepit," "loomed," "crumbling facade") that conveys a tone of decay and foreboding, suggesting a sense of history and neglect. The other options illustrate positive or neutral tones but do not employ language as effectively to create a specific literary effect.


What are implicit details in a literary text? 

A. details that are clearly and directly stated

B. details that do not require a reader to make inferences

C. details that are explained by a reliable narrator

D. details that require a reader to fill in the gaps

D. details that require a reader to fill in the gaps


Which of the following sentences best exemplifies third-person omniscient point of view?

A) "Liam glanced at his watch, feeling anxious about the time, while nearby, Maria was lost in her own thoughts about the conversation they had earlier."

B) "The crowd cheered loudly as the players took the field, each person filled with anticipation for the upcoming game."

C) "She could hear the rain tapping against the window, a soothing rhythm that calmed her racing thoughts."

D) "As the evening wore on, they enjoyed their dinner, oblivious to the tensions brewing just beneath the surface."

A) "Liam glanced at his watch, feeling anxious about the time, while nearby, Maria was lost in her own thoughts about the conversation they had earlier."

This sentence exemplifies third-person omniscient point of view because it provides insights into the thoughts and feelings of both Liam and Maria, demonstrating the narrator's knowledge of multiple characters' internal states. The other options focus on a single perspective or describe external observations without revealing the inner thoughts of the characters.


Which of the following sentences best illustrates an example of third-person omniscient point of view?

A) "Maria felt a surge of anxiety as she waited for the results, unaware that her friend, Jake, was just as worried about her."
B) "He glanced around the room, noticing the silence that hung heavily in the air."
C) "As she prepared for the exam, she recalled how hard she had studied, hoping it would pay off."
D) "They both sighed in relief when the test was finally over, each believing they had done well."

A) "Maria felt a surge of anxiety as she waited for the results, unaware that her friend, Jake, was just as worried about her."

This sentence exemplifies third-person omniscient because it reveals the thoughts and feelings of both Maria and Jake, providing insight into multiple characters’ perspectives. In this point of view, the narrator knows everything about the characters and events.


Which sentence uses an implied metaphor?

A) "The sun smiled down on the children as they played."
B) "Her laughter was like music, filling the room with joy."
C) "The man barked orders at his team."
D) "She is a shining star in the classroom."

C) "The man barked orders at his team."

An implied metaphor suggests a comparison without directly stating it. In this case, the man is implicitly compared to a dog by using the word "barked," without directly saying he is a dog.