Infor. Text Evidence
Word Meaning
Central/Developing Ideas
Mix Bag

Which statement describes a reader using syntax to determine the meaning of an unknown word?

A. The reader finds related synonyms of the word.

B. The reader looks for definitions embedded in the       text.

C. The reader searches for examples and illustrations      in the sentence. 

D. The reader determines if a word is a noun or             verb.

D. The reader determines if a word is a noun or             verb.


Why is it helpful to visualize the setting in an informational text?

A. to identify supporting evidence

B. to improve overall comprehension

C. to inventory prior knowledge

D. to inform outside research

B. to improve overall comprehension


Which set of words could be an example of homographs?

A. hear, here

B. draw, draw

C. their, there

D. fast, quick

B. draw, draw


Why do writers include counterclaims in argumentative texts? Select the two correct answers.

A. To introduce a new thesis statement.

B. To propose a solution to a problem.

C. To demonstrate consideration of both sides of a debate.

D. To discourage the reader from drawing conclusions.

E. To give greater credibility to their claim.

C. To demonstrate consideration of both sides of a debate.

E. To give greater credibility to their claim.


Use the definition to answer the question.

LASAGNA (ləˈzänyə) n. (Italian from Latin lasanum from the Greek lasanon.

From which language did the term lasagna originate?

A. Latin

B. Greek

C. English

D. Italian

B. Greek


What is the denotation of the word natural as used in the passage?

"Researchers found that Black women with natural hairstyles received lower scores on professionalism and competence and were not recommended as frequently for interviews compared with Black women with straightened hair, and white women with curly or straight hair."

A. largely modified

B. undyed

C. styled judiciously

D. unprocessed

D. unprocessed


What answer choice provides an accurate description of an explicit statement?

A. a statement that features anecdotes

B. a statement that is clearly and directly explained

C. a statement that must be inferred or assumed

D. a statement that features factual information used to support an idea

B. a statement that is clearly and directly explained


Which is the best place in a book to find topic-specific words and their definitions?

A. dictionary

B. table of contents

C. glossary

D. encyclopedia

C. glossary


Which set of words correctly fills in the sentence below?

An _______ text presents a claim that is supported with ______ and evidence.

A. informative, counterclaims

B. explanatory, reasons

C. argumentative, reasons

D. explanatory, counterclaims

C. argumentative, reasons


What do the words hydrant, hydrology, hydrotropic, and hydrotropic have in common?

A. a base word

B. a free morpheme

C. a root word

D. a suffix

C. a root word


Which part of a word is only sometimes a free morpheme?

A. suffix

B. base word

C. root word

D. prefix

C. root word

This word is sometimes a free morpheme, and other times it is a bound morpheme.


What are the two main purposes of an informational text summary? Select the two correct answers.

A. to describe alternative points of view

B. to explain nonessential details

C. to offer a synopsis

D. to provide a brief overview of a longer text

E. to present an objective recap

D. to provide a brief overview of a longer text

E. to present an objective recap


How can syntax help the reader determine the meaning of unknown words in a sentence?

A. It allows a reader to determine how the word is being used.

B. It helps a reader know the opposite meaning of a word.

C. It assists a reader in knowing if examples and illustrations are provided.

D. It provides a reader a strategy to determine if any synonyms are provided.

A. It allows a reader to determine how the word is being used.


Which questions help the reader evaluate whether the text structure an author chooses is effective? Select two correct answers.

A. Is the structure easy to follow?

B. Does the structure include statements that grab the attention of the reader?

C. Is the reasoning supported by quotations?

D. Does the structure support a clear introduction of a claim?

A. Is the structure easy to follow?

D. Does the structure support a clear introduction of a claim?


In which scenario is a reader using syntax to determine the meaning of an unknown word?

A. The reader determines if a word is an adjective or an adverb.

B. The reader looks for examples and Illustrations in the text.

C. The reader breaks the word into parts in order to analyze them.

D. The reader decides if synonyms are used in the sentence.

A. The reader determines if a word is an adjective or an adverb.


Choose the list that completes the sentence.

To establish complex relationships in an informational text, the author provides _______ that illuminates their ________, using words and _______ that clarify the various interactions.

A. text structure, evidence, connections

B. evidence, connections, text structure

C. connections, evidence, text structure

D. text structure, connections, evidence

B. evidence, connections, text structure


Why do authors leave matters uncertain in a text? Select the two correct answers.

A. They lack key information at the time of publication.

B. It is easier to write implicitly than explicitly. 

C. They want to avoid inherent bias in their writing.

D. They want to force the reader to draw their own conclusions.

E. It is challenging to make predictions in informational texts.

A. They lack key information at the time of publication.

D. They want to force the reader to draw their own conclusions.


What context clues help you verify the meaning of the word toxins?

When substances from land wash into the ocean, they sometimes become a feast for algae, allowing them to eat, grow, and multiply rapidly. HABs can generate harmful TOXINS that sicken marine wildlife and humans and deplete oxygen in the water as bacteria feed on numerous dead algae.

A. "substances from land wash into the ocean"

B. "sicken marine wildlife and humans and deplete oxygen"

C. "eat, grow, and multiply rapidly"

B. "sicken marine wildlife and humans and deplete oxygen"


Choose the two words that complete the sentence.

At times, an author may state the ________ directly; at other times, it must be inferred by the reader from the ______ in the text.

A. details

B. topic

C. text structure

D. central idea

E. acronyms

D. central idea

A. details


How can readers determine the central idea of a text?

A. by identifying the text structure

B. by defining acronyms

C. by restating the conclusions

D. by defining key words

A. by identifying the text structure


What context clues help you verify the meaning of the word anthropogenic?

"Harmful algal blooms are not recent. We have writings from Indigenous tribes in the Pacific Northwest that talk about things happening on the beach,' said Cetinic. 'It's just that today we're looking for it more, and also anthropogenic influences are making blooms more prevalent."

A. "Harmful algal blooms are not recent."

B. "things happening on the beach"

C. "naturally occurring minerals"

D. "chemicals produced by humans"

D. "chemicals produced by humans"


What evidence from the passage supports the author's explicit statement that many Native Americans on tribal reservations do not have standard addresses?

A. "These 'nontraditional addresses' complicate things for Indigenous voters during a time when the majority of states have moved to voting by mail to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus."

B. "States like Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and South Dakota, which all include large stretches of tribal land, held their primary elections almost entirely by mail."

C. "They'll say something like, I live off highway 86 by milepost 125 and a half,' said Gabriella Cazares-Kelly, a member of the Tohono O'odham Nation and a Democratic candidate for Pima County recorder in Arizona."

D. "A record number of Americans are expected to vote by mail in the November elections."

C. "They'll say something like, I live off highway 86 by milepost 125 and a half,' said Gabriella Cazares-Kelly, a member of the Tohono O'odham Nation and a Democratic candidate for Pima County recorder in Arizona."


Which part of a word is always a free morpheme?

A. prefix

B. root word

C. base word

D. suffix

C. base word


Which line from the passage demonstrates a cause/effect text structure?

A. "In the past, scientists estimated the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by hopping on a boat and trawling the trash with fine nets - nets originally designed for catching plankton."

B. "Running these nets through the patch, which extends from California to Hawaii, was not only laborious, it failed to catch big things like bottles and buoys."

C. Plastics tend to break down, due to heat and sunlight exposures, into small particles known as microplastics."

D. "The Netherlands-based organization hired 18 ships to trawl at different spots across the whole patch."

C. Plastics tend to break down, due to heat and sunlight exposures, into small particles known as microplastics."


Which of these would normally appear in a scientific abstract? Select the two correct answers.

A. examples

B. samples

C. predictions

D. conclusions

E. methods

D. conclusions

E. methods