Learner Contract
Learning Styles
What is the full date?
Thursday, December 12th, 2013
What does "contract" mean?
An signed agreement between people.
These people learn because they feel like they want to.
Intrinsic learners
- Learn best by seeing information presented in pictures, charts, graphics, illustrations, or diagrams. - Remember details in picture form. - Read or watch TV to relax. - Remember people’s faces better than their names. = These are characteristics of which type of learning style?
What does "utopia" mean?
A perfect society.
What is the time? 10:06
What does the acronym "SMART" stand for in SMART goals?
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Trackable
These people learn because they feel like they have to.
Extrinsic learners
- Learn best by hearing information and memorizing sounds. - Are musically talented: can hear tones, rhythms, and individual notes. - Listen to music or the radio to relax. - Remember people’s names better than their faces. = These are characteristics of which type of learning style?
What does "motto" mean?
A short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule guiding the behavior of a particular person or group. For example, "Jordan First".
Pronounce this phone number with the proper rhythm: 0792436598
079 / 243 / 65 / 98 / = pause
Which dictionary is good for English language learners?
Any dictionary that is meant for ESL/EFL learners. One example is
- To graduate college - To get a high paying job that requires English skills - To move to an English speaking country for work =These are examples of what type of motivation?
- Learn best by moving their bodies and through physical interaction. - Play sports or do physical activity to relax. - Remember people by recalling things they did with them. - Solve problems through hands-on experience. = These are characteristics of which type of learning style?
What are "laws"?
A set of rules made by the government to keep order and peace.
Pronounce this SID number with the proper rhythm: 20130089674
2013 / 008 / 96 / 74 / = pause
- Risk taking is an important part of the language learning process - A good teacher helps students become independent learners - The best way to improve English is to use it everyday = Are these true or false statements?
- To read magazines and books - To listen to the radio or watch tv/movies - To understand other cultures =These are all examples of what type of motivation?
- Use a tape recorder to record notes when reading instead of writing facts down. Play it back while you are riding in the car, doing dishes, washing the car, jogging etc. - When learning a new vocabulary word, say it out loud. Then spell it out loud several times. See if it rhymes with a word that you know. You could even try singing the word in a song. - To learn facts, say them out loud, put the facts to music or read them into a tape recorder. Then listen to what you have recorded often. = These are study strategies for which learning style?
What does "export" and "import" mean?
Export - to send a product to be sold in another country. Import - to bring a product into a country to be sold.
Which syllable in the pronunciation of teen vs tens (13 vs 30) receives the stress in an American accent?
- Stress is on the second syllable for teens (13-19) "thirTEEN" - Stress is on the first syllable for tens (30-90) "THIRty" - Use the flap /D/ instead of the /t/ ([thirDy]) - For 20-29, the /t/ is dropped ([tweni]
What kinds of things can you do if you want to improve your English listening and speaking skills?
Attend chit chat or other English classes, listen to music or audiobooks, watch tv shows or movies, English Central, TED talks, make friends with foreigners, support the English Club, etc.
- Study less regularly. - Show less excitement. - Have lower exam results. - Are less interested in the course. =These are common characteristics of someone who is ___________ motivated.
- Try to study through practical experiences, such as making models, doing lab work, or roleplaying. - Memorize or drill while walking, jogging or exercising. - Try expressing your abilities through dance, drama, or sports. - Try standing up when you are reading or writing. - Write facts to be learned on 3" x 5" cards, with a question on one side and the answer on the other. Lay out the cards, quiz yourself, shuffle them, lay them out again and quiz yourself again. = These are study strategies for which learning style?
What "infrastructure" mean?
A basic system of technical structures needed for a society to function. For example, roads, bridges, water supply, sewers, and telecommunications.