This is when the AED should be put on a person that is unconscious and doesn't have a pulse
When is as soon as possible?
This is what you should do if someone continues to bleed through their gauze
What is continue to add more?
This is the PPE you should use before delivering rescue breathes
What is a rescue mask/CPR mask?
Before assisting someone, you must get this first.
What is consent? (implied or expressed)
Caring, Respect, Responsibility, and Honesty
If a person has a pulse, but is not breathing, you should perform these
What are rescue breaths?
This law protects anyone from making a good faith effort the help the victim of an injury or illness.
What is a good samaritan law?
This is the max PSI our variable gauge goes to
What is 15PSI?
The code for a medical emergency
What is code blue?
This is where the YMCA was founded
Where is London?
The ratio of compressions to breaths for an adult
What is 30:2?
If direct pressure does not stop bleeding, this is the best way to stop it.
What is a tourniquet?
How often should an adult receive a rescue breathe when only giving breaths?
What is every 6 seconds?
The code for a non-medical emergency
What is code red?
This is where the first American YMCA was founded
Where is Boston?
This is how long responders should check for breathing and pulse?
How long is no more than 10 seconds?
The pnuemonic device for strokes
What is FAST?
This is the best delivery device when using oxygen, as it delivers the most pure oxygen
What is a bag valve mask?
The code for a missing child
What is "Ball Over the Wall"?
Basketball was founded at the YMCA. The first basket used was this.
What is a peach basket?
This is how often a rescue breath should be given in a person has a pulse but is not breathing
You should encourage a choking patient to do this if they are coughing and alert
What is continue coughing?
This is what you should do if the pressure gauge of the o2 cylinder reads 200PSI
The two things you should bring when responding to an emergency
What is an AED and the crash bag?
This is the city that is the current headquarters for the YMCA of the USA
Where is Chicago?