Periods of Literature
Parts of a Storytelling
Literary Devices
This period in literature tried to capture the awesome beauty, splendor, and majesty of nature by going over the top with the detailed descriptions.
What is Romanticism?
In a story, this is the high point, or the point to which the action rises to its most tense moment.
What is the climax?
The author's choice of words when writing a story is called this. It helps the author communicate a certain tone about his characters and their actions.
What is diction?
A story uses this point of view when the narrator tells his own story.
What is 1st person POV?
In "To Build a Fire" the man is generally in conflict with this dominant entity.
What is nature?
This period in literature attempted to recreate life as it was truly experienced by focusing on the detail's of a person's life.
What is Realism?
When reading a story, the author tries to communicate this, a certain feeling about the characters or plot.
What is the mood?
Things that happen early on in a story or images that will later be important to the story's climax are said to do this to the plot.
What is foreshadow?
This POV is used when the narrator knows and generally tells everything there is to know about all the characters.
What is 3rd person omniscient POV?
Stories about the end of the world or what life would be like after a cataclysmic event are known as stories about this.
What is the apocalypse?
This period of literature was an off-shoot movement. It also tried to capture life as it really was, but it focused predominantly on the natural world.
What is Naturalism?
The story's main idea that constantly recurs in a story is called this.
What is a theme?
This literary device is used when the author's word choice evokes particular, vivid thoughts in his reader's mind so that they can imagine the action of story.
What is imagery?
This POV is rarely used. The narrator tells a character what he/she is doing while that character does it like in Will Ferrel's "Stranger than Fiction."
What is 2nd person POV?
A society in which all things are perfect and go smoothly without any apparent hiccups are known as these.
What are utopias?
In this period of literature many writers really just wanted to experiment with different ways of writing. They wanted to explore the possibilities of the new century and reject the traditions of the 1800s.
What is Modernism?
Often synonymous with mood, this also communicates the general feeling the author wants his reader to get from reading his story.
What is tone?
This literary element exists when something or someone in a story has some greater meaning beyond just being part of the story. This helps reader get the deeper meaning behind a story and the author's intentions.
What is symbolism?
This POV is generally used in literature written during the Realist Period.
What is 3rd person limited?
Stories such as "The Road," "1984," and "Brave New World" are famous novels about this kind of society.
What is a dystopia?
This period of literature may have just ended. Anyway, we're still trying figure out what characterizes it, but writers like McCarthy will certainly influence how history sees it.
What is the Contemporary Period?
The overall way a story is written is known as this.
What is style?
Authors use this POV when they want to focus on the experience of just one of their characters and really draw the reader into that solitary experience.
What is 3rd person limited?
Societies that seem perfect but are actually corrupt and harmful upon closer inspection are known as these kinds of societies in literature.
What are dystopias?