Odes and Elegies
Indian Horse
The Winters Tale
Short Stories

What are the different types of Sonnets?

What are their identifiable characteristics?

Shakespearean Sonnet: 3 quatrains (rhyming abab cdcd efef and a closing couplet gg) - Iambic Pentameter - Volta at the final couplet

Petrarchan - Torments of love (8 line octave abba abba and 6 line sestet cdcecde or cdcdcd)


What is an Ode?

What is an example of an Ode?

Ceremonial (like for funerals)

Private, meditative and personal

Typically is a 10-line unit

Meant to glorify emotions, people etc.

Ode of the Death of the Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes etc.

Ode to a Nightingale


The great-grandfather character in Indian Horse. 

Bonus Points: What is the significance of the great-grandfather?

What is...Shabogeesick

Brings about the Indian Horse family name. He is also essential in the novel's final scenes, where Saul sees his family again in a vision at God's Lake.


The character who is mauled by the bear in The Winter's Tale?

What is... Antigonus


The difference between symbol and motif?

What is...

A symbol is an object or thing that is used to represent something else.

A motif is an element that recurs, such as an image or idea, that contributes to the broad theme. (like a mini theme!)


Where is the volta in a sonnet? (usually)

After line 8

If Shakespearean in the final couplet.


What is an Elegy?

What is an example of an elegy?

A song or poem of lamentation (for the dead; a memorial poem)

It has a theme of human mortality

On the Death of Richard West. The class provides other examples.

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard


The character who took Saul in when he was an alcoholic.

Bonus Point: Why does Saul leave?

What is Erv?

Saul leaves because he is still recovering from his trauma and is unable to overcome his anger and, further isolates himself.


The character who is jealous of Polixenes and Hermione's relationship.

What is...Leontes King of Sicilia


The different types of narrators/narration and their function.

First-person - From the perspective of I (me, we, us)

Second Person - From the perspective of you (you, yours)

Third Person - Told from the outside by a figure not part of the action


Define the sonnet

Any poem that expresses the personal mood, feelings, or reflections of a single speaker

Little physical action is mainly an internal/ponderous poem

Lyric - 14 lines


Who introduced the ode?

Pindar (522-442BC) was the classical Greek poet who established the general prototype. This is the 'regular' ode.


The essay by Renate Eigenbrod discusses?

The essay by Jack Robinson discusses?

Bonus points: For detail

What is silence vs telling?

What is Hypermasculinity?


The main themes of The Winter's Tale?

What is:


Rebirth and Renewal

Spring Vs. Winter


Loyalty etc.


What is the story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid about? What are the themes?

Mother-daughter dynamic

Different rules

Sexuality vs. Purity


Is it possible for a Sonnet to be both Petrarchan and Shakespearean?

Is it possible for a Sonnet to also be an elegy? 

Think of examples!

The class provides examples.


What is a Pastoral elegy?

“...borrows the classical convention of representing its subject as an idealized shepherd in an idealized pastoral background and follows a rather formal pattern. It begins with an expression of grief and an invocation to the Muse to aid the poet in expressing his suffering. It usually contains a funeral procession, a description of sympathetic mourning throughout nature, and musings on the unkindness of death. It ends with acceptance, often a very affirmative justification, of nature’s law." 


The role of time and the structure of Indian Horse.

What is...not a linear narrative? It travels from Saul in rehab as an adult, to Saul as a child in Residential schools, to Saul with the Kelly's, to Saul struggling with alcoholism in different workplaces, to Saul in rehab.


Camillo is ___ to the King of Sicilia and Bohemia?

For bonus points: What does Camillo do throughout the text that could have us see him as loyal/disloyal?

What is... Cupbearer/Advisor/Loyal friend

Bonus: Tells Polixenes of the threat to his life. Helps Florizel and Perdita go to Sicilia.

What is the function of third-person narration? How can this be good or bad?

Provide Examples from 2 short stories that help demonstrate this. Why are these either or?

It can be omniscient and all-knowing giving a broader look at a story

It can be non-immersive and detached as a method of storytelling.

Class choice of examples.


In vain to me the smiling Mornings shine,

And reddening Phoebus lifts his golden fire;

The birds in vain their amorous descant join;

Or cheerful fields resume their green attire;

These ears, alas! for other notes repine,

A different object do these eyes require;

My lonely anguish melts no heart but mine;

And in my breast the imperfect joys expire.

Yet Morning smiles the busy race to cheer,

And new-born pleasure brings to happier men;

The fields to all their wonted tribute bear;

To warm their little loves and birds complain;

I fruitless mourn to him that cannot hear, 

And weep the more because I weep in vain.

Who wrote this sonnet? What type of sonnet is this? Is this sonnet Elegaic?

On the Death of Richard West by Thomas Gray

It is an elegy

It can be argued to be Shakespearean and Petrarchan.


What are the three different types of Odes?

Regular Ode (Pindaric) has a strophe, antistrophe, epode - passionate, visionary, bold and use formal language.

Irregular ode introduced in the 17th century does not follow the recurrent stanza: each stanza has variable line lengths, number of lines, and rhyme schemes, and shifts easily with different moods etc.

Horatian Ode - Modelled on the Roman poet Horace - the Horation ode is calm, meditative, and colloquial, homostrophic - Keat's "To Autumn" is an example of a Horatian Ode


The role of gender in Indian Horse

Bonus: Think of Robinson's article and different characters throughout.

What is... Hypermasculinity vs. Indigenous masculinity.

Think to: Naomi (grandmother), Fred and Virgil Kelly, Saul, Erv, Saul's parents


Perdita is worried about her relationship with Florizel in Act 4...Why?

What is...She is a Shepherd's daughter, and he is a prince to the king of Bohemia. She is worried for her family and Florizel's status.

What is The Musgrave Ritual about? 

The class provides a summary of the text and who narrates the story.