This is the "tag" that should be added to your service events when posted on SMU360.
You should submit your waiver request form at this point in your process.
What is as soon as your program proposal is submitted/approved?
The number of events you need to plan this semester.
What is (at least) 3?
The Commons whose community-identified need addresses the environment.
What is Kathy Crow Commons?
The number of Basics sessions you need to host in your Commons by February 15th.
What is 2 sessions?
The number of weeks in advance that your event should be posted.
What is two weeks?
The correct way to write the name of your Commons' on your waiver request.
What is the fully spelled out name of a Commons rather than an abbreviation?
The specific place you should always post flyers about your upcoming Engage Dallas events.
What is the "sandwich board/easel" in your Commons' lobby?
Events that can be an educational opportunity about the community-identified needs.
What is general engagement?
The giveaway for everyone who attends a February event.
What is the Engage Dallas long sleeve shirt?
The co-host who should be added to all your 360 events.
What is Engage Dallas?
You should check with ___ if you have not received your waiver by the requested date.
Who are the program assistants?
This is where you can find links to the different needed forms.
What is the Engage Dallas website (about/resources/forms)?
The community-identified need that might intersect most commonly with food insecurity.
What is homelessness?
A strategic partnership that will help market your events to your Commons.
What is a FiR/FiR event?
The most important task with SMU360 when you have your event.
What is checking in volunteers?
The answer should (almost) always be "yes" to this question on the waiver form in regards to volunteers.
What is "will there be minors participating?"
The correct way to title your event.
What is "Commons x Engage Dallas: Community Partner?"
The four community-identified needs that focus specifically on children.
What are Advancing Youth Education (CM), Youth Education & Outreach (Loyd), Childhood Poverty (MoMac), and Childhood Literacy (VS)?
How the program assistants track how many hours were earned at a program.
What is the post-service email?
This will help make sure that you have the right amount of people registered for your event.
What is a waitlist?
This person does not need to sign a waiver for service events.
Who is no one?
The two things you need to complete after your event has happened.
What are the post-service evaluation and the post-service email?
The data that inspired the community-identified needs chosen for the Commons.
What is the Resilient Dallas study?
The names of Belle's cats.
What are Howdy and Lady?