Hannah's Middle Name
What is Tiambeng?
The groom's middle name
What is Edward?
How they met
What is a Christian dating app?
Hannah's favorite color
What is green?
The state he grew up in
What is South Carolina?
Who was George's wife from the TV show 'The Jeffersons'?
The couple's first date
What is brunch at Meshuggah?
Hannah's Favorite music artist
Who is Tori Kelly?
The name of Michael's favorite sports team
What is Arsenal FC?
Their activity to do together
What are NYT Words games?
Hannah's Favorite book of the Bible verse
What is 2 Corinthians 12:9
Michael's favorite book of the Bible (OR verse/passage)
What is Revelation 7:9?
Month and year they started dating
What is December 2023?
Hannah's childhood sport/activity
What is karate?
Michael's childhood sport/activity
What is basketball?
What is their "song" as a couple?
What is Love Me Like You Do by Butterfly Tiger?