In which sport do you play with a small white ball
What is table tennis
What is the name of your English Teacher?
1 bog på engelsk hedder (one book), men hvad hedder 2 bøger?
What are 2 books
Which sport is Cristiano Ronaldo very good at?
What is football
Unscramble this word: bauitlufe
What is beautiful
Susanne, Anders, Christan eller Tinella
What does a koala bear eat?
What are eucalyptus leaves
Skal der stå a eller an i følgende sætning: The girl has _ orange t-shirt
What is "an"
In which country do you find the "Leaning Tower of Pisa"?
Which one of the following animals can sleep while standing up - sheep, cow or horse?
What is a horse
På dansk siger vi høj, højere, højest PÅ engelsk siger vi: Tall, taller, ?
What is tallest