Story Elements
The Cask of Amontillado
The Fall of the House of Usher
Character Types

What is one benefit of an author choosing to include foreshadowing in a story?

The author can provide hints to what is to come in the story allowing readers to engage in the plot and make an educated guess as what is to come. 


What was Fortunato's weak point? 

Wine, he believed that he was the best wine judge/taster. 


How does the narrator explain Roderick Usher when he first sees him?

He is very pale and his facial features have drastically changed over time. He has a notable "ghastly parlor." 

What is a round character? 

A round character refers to a character in a fictional work with depth or a complex personality.


What is imagery and HOW do author's use it?

 Imagery refers to the use of figurative and descriptive language to create images in the readers' mind. Authors will provide details that allow you to create your own mental picture of visual, (the way they describe things) 


What are context clues? 

Hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.


Why does Montresor decide to kill Fortunato? 

He insulted him 


Has Roderick changed since the narrator last seen him? How so?

Yes, he looks very different he can hard recognize he features. 


What is a flat character? 

A flat character is one that lacks complexity in several facets. The two-dimensional character's journey is often described as having a flat arc, meaning they don't change from the beginning of the story to the end.


List ONE type of context clue. 

  • 1. Definition/Explanation 

  • 2. Restatement/Synonym 

  • 3. Contrast/Antonym Clues 

  • 4. Inference/General Context Clues 

  • 5. Punctuation 


What is the last part of a narrative plot? What happens during this? 

Resolution, this is the part of plot that closes the story--problems are solved, and conflicts are ended for the characters. 


Who is the protagonist in the story? 



What startling coincidence does the narrator experience as he is reading?

The house is making the same cracking and trembling sounds of the story he is currently reading. 


What type of character is Montresor? 



What is one prominent element of gothic literature? 

  1. Unwelcoming or remote settings 

  2. Macabre or violent incidents 

  3. Characters in psychological or physical torment 

  4. Supernatural or otherworldly elements 

  5. Strong language full of dangerous  meanings 



A protagonist and antagonist is a specific character in the story. 

False, a protagonist or antagonist does not have to be a physical character. 


What does Montresor offer Fortunato as they are making their way through the catacombs?

More wine to ensure he will stay drunk. 


What odd or unnatural sight does the narrator see when the curtains are opened?

Strangely dense clouds, whirlwinds, and other effects of a storm. There is also a gaseous exhalation. 


What would be considered a typical stock character? 

Jock, old librarian, ruthless boss, evil step mother. 


What was Poe's breakthrough piece? 

The Raven 


List the five parts of a narrative plot in order. 

Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. 


Who does Montresor tell Fortunato he will get instead of him to taste the wine? 



What does the narrator notice about Madeline's appearance when she is in her coffin? 

Notices a strange resemblances to Roderick. Her face showed a faint smile and blush of color. 


What is a foil character? 

In movies, TV shows, and books, a foil character is someone who contrasts with another character – usually the main character – to highlight their qualities.


What were the three visions that American writers strove to achieve during the Renaissance? 

The Social vision, The Romantic Vision, and the Transcendental Vision.