what is the term that goes with this definition
(period of civilization 3000 BCE)
what is bronze age
the engineering discipline the uses raw material into an useful products
what is chemical engineering
who was considered the inventor of the light bulb
who is Thomas Edison
types of technology (name up to three)
* agriculture and biotechnologies
*energy and power
what animal did Mr Farmer compare his brother to in the book
what is a monkey
what is the term that goes with that definition
(current period in time characterized by information-based industries and the transmission of information)
what is information age
engineering discipline that focuses on design and improvement of structures such as bridges, skyscraper, roadways, and dams
what is civil engineering
who was the inventor that thought of the assembly line
who is Henry Ford
is the practical application of science, mathematics, and technological know-how to solve to solve problems in the most effective way possible.
what is engineering
what is one thing that Mr Farmer likes to do
what is being taken out to lunch
what is the term that goes with this definition
(a set of beliefs that is established to guide a person's actions)
what is creed
engineering discipline that involves designing, improving, and working with mechanical systems, or machines that cause or involve movement.
what is mechanical engineering
who was credited for creating the fluorescent light
who is Nikola Tesla
engineering as a profession can be traced back as early as ...
what is engineering
what was Mr Farmers previous occupation
what is a Minister
what is the term for this definition
(a property right granted by the government to inventors and innovators, allowing them exclusive use to make and sell their inventions or innovations)
what is patent
engineering discipline that focuses on electricity and electromagnetism.
who invented the cotton gin
who is Eli Whitney
what is optimism
what is one thing you can send Mr Farmer
what is memes ;)
what term goes with the definition
(method used to solve problems by designing a product or system that meets a desired goals while adhering to established constrains and taking into consideration factors such as potential impacts, risks, and benefits)
what is engineering design process
engineering field that focuses on using the engineering design process to efficiently produce effective software solutions.
what is software engineering
who was the engineer that was see in the movie Mr Peabody and Sherman
who is Leonardo da Vinci
*identify and define a problem
*gather information
*develop a design solution
*make and model a solution
*evaluate the solution
*communicate the final solution
who is Mr Farmers favorite student
who is everyone (yes even you misa)