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Edmonton Refinery
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I worked at the Montreal Refinery for 4 years.
Who is Jim Eshpeter?
In 2008 the Refinery was able to processes feedstock sources soley from Oil Sands because of this project
What is RCP or Refinery Conversion Project?
Using this tool, you can see how Suncor Senior Leaders such as Mike MacSween, EVP Major Projects; and Kris Smith have navigated their careers both inside and outside of Suncor
What is the Career Compass?
I am from Canada's only border city, Lloydminster
Who is Sarah Ashley?
This company was the first to develop the Oil Sands.
Who is Suncor?
I attended my 1st yr engineering at Military College and worked 1 year as an expat in Libya
Who is Dean Hawthorne?
The merger was completed on this date and created a company with a combined market capitalization of $43.3 billion
What is August 1, 2009?
A Process used during performance reviews to gather feedback from others on your performance
What is the Third Party Performance Feedback Worksheet?
I have a freakish love of building Ikea furniture.
Who is Paula Boucher?
Kilometers of Pipeline moving crude oil and petroleum products throughout Canada and the United States
What is 1,700?
At one stage of my career I traded options and futures on behalf of the company. During 1 visit with brokers in New York I had breakfast at the Windows on the World Restaurant (107th Floor – North Tower) and got into the trading ring (“The Pit”) on the trading floor of the NYMEX exchange
Who is John Prusakowski?
BA Oil Company completed the Original Construction of the Edmonton refinery in this year
What is 1951?
According to the Career Compass there are three common approaches used by employees in managing their careers.
What is "Navigator, Explorer and Resident"?
I cried during the ET ride in Universal Studios
Who is Jonathan Man?
One of the largest floating production, storage and offloading facilities ever built
What is Terra Nova?
I played on the winning team at the Ontario Rugby Union under-19 championship.
Who is Mike Lyne?
The Edmonton refinery has this many positions budgeted for in 2015
What is 508?
This Model includes Supporting Direction, Working with Others, Delivery Results and Leading Self
What is the Employee Capability Model?
I once had my phone stolen by a pack of children in Paris - but I chased them down and got it back.
Who is Kevin Frey?
This Suncor strategy refers to the fact that we have businesses at all stages of the oil and gas value chain – from resource extraction through to refining and retail
What is the integrated strategy?
When I was in university I got a job at Joey Tomatoes in Sherwood Park; I hoped to be a waiter, but they stuck me in the kitchen doing dishes where the patrons didn’t have to see me. Eventually I started cooking food, but never got to be a waiter. 
Who is Luie Raczynski?
This person was the premier of Alberta at the time that the original construction of the Edmonton refinery was completed.
Who is Earnest Manning?
Suncor uses this formula for career development.
What is 70/20/10?
I participated in medical experiments to pay for university
Who is Chris Kaz?
Noted as the Pioneer in extracting Bitumen, this person led successful projects in developing a hot water process to separate the oil from the sands in 1930
Who is Dr. A Klark?