What percentage of your final grade is attendance?
What is 10%
How many major projects do we have?
What is 3
How many Course Goals do we have?
What is 5
Where is our class?
What is Harvill bldg. Rm. 319
What is Aaron's dog's name?
What is Monty
How many absences are you allowed before a grade deduction?
What is 3
What percentage of your final grade is Project 1?
What is 25%
What is Goal 1?
What is
Rhetorical Awareness
Learn strategies for analyzing the audiences, purposes, and contexts of texts in order to strengthen reading and writing.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1A. Analyze a text’s genre and how that influences and guides reading and composing practices.
1B. Explain the purposes of, intended audiences for, and arguments in a text and how these are impacted by particular cultural, economic, and political contexts.
1C. Apply knowledge of rhetorical options in reading practices.
Where will your instructor always notify you about the class?
What is D2L?
What kind of shark would Aaron like to be eaten by?
What is a Hammerhead shark
What percentage of your grade do you lose per absence?
What is 1/3 of a letter grade
What are the three major projects?
What is the Genre Analysis Essay, Literary Essay, and Reflective Portfolio
What is Goal 2?
What is
Critical Thinking and Composing
Use reading and writing for research, problem solving, critical thinking, action, and participation within and across different communities.
Student Learning Outcomes:
2A. Integrate evidence through methods such as summaries, paraphrases, quotations, and visuals.
2B. Support ideas or positions by discussing evidence from multiple sources.
What are our two textbooks?
What is:
St. Martin’s Handbook for University of Arizona. Bedford/St.Martin’s (Unlimited license)
Kelli Lycke, Pete Figler, & D.R. Ransdell. Students’ Guide to Foundations Writing, 41st ed. (2 year license)
What does Aaron study/do at the University of Arizona?
What is MFA-Creative Writing-Fiction candidate
Non-attendance or non-participation for any reason does not guarantee you an extension or make-up opportunity. What should you do if you want/need an extension?
What is contact your instructor
How many points do you lose every day your assignment is late?
What is 1/3 of a letter grade
What is Goal 3
What is
Understand how purpose, audience, and context relate to genre conventions such as structure, style, design, usage, mechanics, and citation practices.
Student Learning Outcomes:
3A. Follow contextually appropriate conventions for language use related to areas such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
3B. Apply contextually appropriate citation conventions.
What are your instructor's office hours?
What is TH 11:00 AM-12:00 PM or by appointment
What school did Aaron get his degree from?
What is Texas Tech University
What should you do if you miss more than one week of class?
What is contact the Dean of Students Office
For assignments other than the final project deadline, how many days are you allowed after the deadline to turn it in without a grade deduction?
What is 2 days
What is Goal 4?
What is
Understand composing processes as flexible and collaborative, drawing upon multiple strategies.
Student Learning Outcomes:
4A. adapt composing and revision processes for a variety of technologies and modalities.
4B. produce multiple revisions on global and local levels.
4C. suggest useful global and local revisions to other writers.
4D. identify the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.
Where is your instructor's Office?
What is the SBS 1st Street Annex
What are Monty's hobbies and favorite Taylor Swift album?
What is Destroying shoes, Biting Aaron’s shoes when he’s trying to leave the house, Stealing your girl (or boy, Monty doesn’t discriminate), and eating things he’s not supposed to
Red (Not Taylor’s Version [because he’s toxic])