The part of the rhetorical situation that describes why we're writing.
What is the purpose?
The Summary and Analysis Essay helped us consider the relationships between these three concepts.
What are language, knowledge, and power?
Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another.
What is bias?
An activity we did multiple times this semester wherein we provided feedback on each other's writing.
What is a peer review?
The discipline I'm earning my master's degree in.
What is folklore studies?
This essay helped us practice rhetorical awareness by explaining terms and customs to those outside of a group.
What is the Discourse Community Analysis?
We use reading, dialogue, and _______ as a method of inquiry.
What is writing?
The process of combining at least two sources with your own thoughts.
What is synthesis?
The process of changing and editing an essay according to feedback or new perspectives.
What is revision?
The state where I grew up.
What is Utah?
This Greek term describes the credibility used in our writing.
What is ethos?
This essay helped us practice critical thinking by researching and referencing multiple perspectives on an issue.
What is the Literature Review?
The three different types of sources we talked about this semester.
What are primary, secondary, and tertiary sources?
This major assignment asks us to revise existing essays. It's due on Monday!
What is the Revision Portfolio?
My favorite comic strip.
What is Peanuts?
The rhetorical situation term that describes the timing of the message.
What is Kairos?
A theme of the Summary and Analysis Essay; a synonym for communication, speaking, and expression.
What is language?
Receiving biased information is a limitation of a ______ source because it's only one person's account of events.
What is a primary source?
Composing processes involve collaborating with other _______.
What are writers?
The largest animal I think I can take in a one-on-one fight.
What is a deer?
Developing rhetorical awareness entails learning to compose for a variety of _______ and _______.
What are audiences and contexts?
The critical thinking outcome includes our ability to analyze _______ _______ across multiple texts.
What are rhetorical patterns?
Doing this as you incorporate evidence is proof of academic integrity.
What is accurately summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, or citing sources? (Any of these answers is correct!)
Revisions should always be done for a _______.
What is purpose?
The name of my favorite dinosaur.
What is Deinonychus?